Rd-blog-number-6934 (Book-149) analysis report by Herb Zinser reviews book clues about the EARTH iron core and Earth surface VIA the messages of authors and philosophers..
Books may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines – Collins Dictionarieswww.collinsdictionary.com › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including ‘read between the lines‘. Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford …
Let’s look at the book…
create the evolutionary extension –> core + text –> cortex with a SYMBOL ENGINES and empirical data content coupled with math equations and science models .
Journey to the Center of the Earth – Wikipedia, the free …
The story begins in May 1863, in the Lidenbrock house in Hamburg, Germany, with geology Professor Lidenbrock rushing home to peruse his latest purchase, an original runic manuscript of an Icelandic saga written by Snorri Sturluson (“Heimskringla“; the chronicle of the Norwegian kings who ruled over Iceland)
While looking through the book, Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel find a coded note written in runic script.
Lidenbrock and Axel transliterate the runic characters into Latin letters, revealing a message written in a seemingly bizarre code. Lidenbrock attempts a decipherment, deducing the message to be a kind of transposition cipher; but his results are as meaningless as the original.
Professor Lidenbrock decides to lock everyone in the house and force himself and the others (Axel, and the maid, Martha) to go without food until he cracks the code. Axel discovers the answer when fanning himself with the deciphered text: Lidenbrock’s decipherment was correct, and only needs to be read backwards to reveal sentences written in rough Latin.
Code word –> Dermot –> subset code –> Der –>
Dermatology | Define Dermatology at Dictionary.com
Dermatology definition, the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases. See more.
Dermatology | Definition of dermatology by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of DERMATOLOGY. : a branch of medicine dealing with the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases. — der·ma·to·log·ic -mə-tə-ˈlä-jik or der·ma·to·log·i·cal -ji-kəl adjective. — der·ma·tol·o·gist -mə-ˈtä-lə-jist noun.
Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche: “The earth has a skin and that …
Friedrich Nietzsche — ‘The earth has a skin and that skin has diseases; one of its diseases is called man.’
The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases, one of its …
“The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases, one of its diseases is called man.”. Friedrich Nietzsche quotes (German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900.) … Users who liked, “The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases,…”, also liked.
Dermatology definition – MedicineNet – Health and Medical …
Definition of dermatology – American Academy of Dermatology
A dermatologist is a physician who has expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric and adult patients with benign and malignant disorders of the skin, …
Great Events < Thus Spoke Zarathustra < Friedrich …
4umi Friedrich Nietzsche : Thus Spoke Zarathustra / Great Events … The earth, said he, hath a skin; and this skin hath diseases. One of these diseases, …
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Boston Marathon Event Information
DISTANCE: 26 MILES, 385 YARDS (42.195 KILOMETERS) … by virtue of its traditions, longevity and method of gaining entry into the race (via qualification).
Friedrich Nietzsche (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
May 30, 1997 – Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German philosopher of the late 19th century who challenged the foundations of Christianity and …
Carmen Ortiz and the Boston Irish jury
Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice
Feb 12, 2015 – Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and … She oversees the work of more than 200 attorneys and support staff in Boston, Worcester and Springfield. ..
Boston Marathon TRIAL – USA Today
May 15, 2015 – Jury decides the sentence for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. … Carmen Ortiz,, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts,
…………..Ort Z ton mass …………
the she understands the
Nietzsche philosophy wars on EARTH , etc.
Earth mass – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earth mass (M⊕, where ⊕ is the symbol for planet Earth) is the unit of mass equal to … Earth mass is often used to describe masses of rocky terrestrial planets.
How much does planet Earth weigh? – HowStuffWorks
Planet Earth weight is discussed in this article. Learn about planet … It would be more proper to ask, “What is the mass of planet Earth?”1 The quick answer to …
Margaret Thatcher – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher LG OM PC FRS (née Roberts, … A Soviet journalist dubbed her the “Iron Lady“, a nickname that became associated …
BBC – iWonder – Margaret Thatcher: From grocer’s daughter …
Margaret Thatcher: From grocer’s daughter to Iron Lady … Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s first female prime minister, used her cast iron will to help change the face …
Cranially speaking, Iron Maiden have always existed in a permanent youth dreamscape. It’s a beguiling and comforting place, a fusty land inhabited more by ‘swag’ – curled posters, …
iron maiden – modern definition of iron THOUGHTS in a maiden in English from the …
Thus …North European heritage house maids and cooks in Europe and North America .. with arm muscle proteins and brain neurons …… have Nature’s CARL JUNG collective GROUP MIND … bio-computer subroutines within their sub-conscious MIND.
Thus the problem of the carbon atom bio-physics BRAIN of Boston’s judicial systems with
Carmen Ortiz –> subset code –> Car Ort –> Carbon & its Orbitals
Carmen and the Department of Justice deny the existence of Carbon 12 … and its CONSCIOUS social chemistry evidence was omitted from the BOSTON TRIAL of SCIENCE WARS messenger agent Tsarnaev.
Boston Bombing … rigged information Trial – NBC News
Boston Bombing Trial using the Department of Justice and the
Washington POST newspaper ” George Orwell Oceania” …. special language manipulation tools…… Tsarnaev’s lawyers have claimed that jurors were improperly influenced by news coverage, the anniversary of the bombings, and social …
improperly influenced by news coverage,
improperly influenced by news coverage,
improperly influenced by news coverage,
In Orwell’s 1984, what is the purpose of the telescreen …
Dec 27, 2007 – The purpose of the telescreen is to maintain control over the Oceanic society. The party uses it as a tool to differentiate between the supporters …
Nineteen Eighty-Four – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1984, there is a perpetual war among Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia, the ….. Orwell fictionalized “newspeak,” “doublethink,” and “Ministry of Truth” as evinced …
“newspeak,” “doublethink,” and “Ministry of Truth” as evinced …
“newspeak,” “doublethink,” and “Ministry of Truth” as evinced …
“Boston newspeak,”
“Boston TRIAL doublethink,”
“Ministry of Truth” and omission of evidence at the Charles Darwin ……..
Boston HUMAN RACE brain SYMBOL CONTENT existence and awareness TRIAL …. …
Speaking of women .. let’s return to …..
Margaret Thatcher – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Lady interaction with the North Pole magnetic field (that may vary geography locations) and the FIXED North Pole geography location north of England by the Arctic Circle |
BBC – iWonder – Margaret Thatcher: From grocer’s daughter …
Margaret Thatcher: From grocer’s daughter to Iron Lady … Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s
first female prime minister, used her cast iron will to help change the face
EARTH surface heme group Fe(2) ion structures …
Fe = bio-physics female prime minister …..
of human female isotopes agents of age 54, 56, 57, 58
and their Carl Jung collective unconscious GROUP MIND.
and their IRON bio-chemistry …. social science thoughts…
Agency (philosophy) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Phenomenology of Agency – University of Oxford
This paper is forthcoming in Philosophy Compass (http://www.blackwell- … The phenomenology of agency has, until recently, been rather neglected, overlooked ..
Can someone please explain to me “The Theory of Agency …
Representational Theories of Consciousness (Stanford …
May 22, 2000 – The aim of a representationalist theory of consciousness is to extend the … In recent philosophy of mind that term has been used in a number of …
Discourse Representation Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of …
May 22, 2007 – In the early 1980s, Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) was … one that has received a great deal of attention in linguistics and philosophy
Social contract – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus Margaret Thatcher… the living extension of the book ..
the WORLD as WILL and IDEA ….. with WORLD leader Margaret Thatcher
first female prime minister, used her cast iron will to help change the face …..of understanding the fabric of existence and communications …
on EARTH with the magnetic field ….and the difference betweenthe Southern Hemisphere people and languages(Argentina, Evita Peron atomic table, the Spanish language brain,
and the Base 16 HEX’Fa’ = 250 Falkland Islands computer science WAR)
Thatcher’s war: The Falklands – BBC News – BBC.com
BBCApr 8, 2013 – The Argentine invasion of the Falklands roused Margaret Thatcher’s basic … if the British government was serious about retaking the islands.
Falklands War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Main articles: 1982 invasion of the Falkland Islands, Invasion of South Georgia, … Although Margaret Thatcher is described as dominating the War Cabinet, …
Thatcher confidential: The untold story of the Falklands War …
Mar 21, 2013 – Six months before the invasion of the Falkland Islands,
The untold story of the SYMBOL MACHINE …….
Where have you been? It’s alright we know where you’ve been.
You’ve been in the pipeline, filling in time,
provided with toys and Scouting for Boys.
You bought a guitar to punish your ma,
And you didn’t like school, and you know you’re nobody’s fool,
So welcome to the machine.
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
What did you dream?
It’s alright we told you what to dream.
You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,
He always ate in the Steak Bar.
He loved to drive in his Jaguar.
It’s alright we told you what to dream.
From grocer’s daughter …
From roc ……..da –> region of convergence …..
differential amplifier ….. BRAIN circuits with ideas and concepts…
Falklands war, a turning point for Margaret Thatcher’s image …
Apr 8, 2013 – When the head of Argentina’s military junta General Leopold Galtieri deployed military forces in the Falkland Islands,
Britain assembled a task …
Calling assembly language programs – IBM
Chapter 2 – Structure of an IBM Mainframe Assembler …
One of the main issues in learning Assembler Language for the IBM Mainframe …
OS/360 and successors – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Option 2; Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (MFT); MFT 2.
IBM Configuring and deploying the task manager …
plug-ins to access the task manager APIs,
you must configure IBM Content Navigator.
Configure and deploy IBM Content Navigator –> to navigate to the Base 16 Falkland IslandsVIA
the Margaret Thatcher for the Margaret Mead atomic social science argument
between the Argentina electron volts(Ev) dancer Evita Peron ….
Arhgonne National Labs by Chaicago, USA, Northern Hemisphere.
Thus we have the Boston Marathon TRIAL in the
Northern Hemisphere and Nature’s legal system problems with the
Southern Hemisphere brain cell arrogance mentality ……
thus the Evita Peron influence on Spanish language heritage Carmen Ortiz with
Argentina electron volts(ev) BRAIN circuit control of Boston police William Ev(ans).
U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans after the Department of Justice RIGGED brain neuroscience sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev.
of Falk iron gear in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Northern Hemisphere.
A hint of trouble, then tragedy – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Dec 7, 2006 – As the first shift at Falk Corp. cranked along Wednesday morning, the … Milwaukee firefighters battle the five-alarm fire at the Falk Corp.
2006 Falk Corporation explosion – Wikipedia, the free …
Located in the Menomonee River Valley in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is owned by …. “Explosion and Fire at the Falk Corporation 12/6/06″. todaystmj4.com.
Milwaukee explosion kills 3, injures dozens – USATODAY.com
Dec 6, 2006 – The fiery blast at the Falk Corp. factory flipped cars, hurled debris into … Fire officials had not determined the cause of the blast, but Mays said …
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws …
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. … The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the ….
The Hidden Reality behind the bull-story explanations of many events:
Earthly Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws …
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. … The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe
….. and …….
the EARTH surface grid iron fabric of Euclidean geometry iron railroad tracks ….. of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology:
Is our earthly universe the
The EARTH surface … information display war
Falklands War: 1982 to 2006 timeline – Telegraph
Apr 2, 2012 – April 2, 1982: Argentine forces invade Falkland Islands, entering capital Port Stanley and forcing Governor Rex Hunt to surrender. April 3, 1982: …
South Falkland –> Falkland Islands, South America
Timeline of the history of the Falkland Islands – Wikipedia …
The Falkland Islands (Spanish: Islas Malvinas) have a complex history … dispute between the United Kingdom and Argentina led to the Falklands War in 1982.
EARTH skin ……. EARTH dermatology….
The British Association of Dermatologists – Skin Disorder …
British Journal of Dermatology – Wiley Online Library
ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2014: 6/63 (Dermatology) … Get free email alerts for the British Journal of Dermatology. … BJD is published on behalf of the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD).
The British Association of Dermatologists – Skin Disorder …
The British …… cia ……… Dermatologists
– Skin Disorder …
- psychology.about.com
- › …
- › Profiles of Major Thinkers
B.F. Skinner’s research on operant conditioning made him one of the leaders of behaviorism, and a magnet for controversy. Learn more about his life.
..in other words ….
- psychology.about.com
- › …
- › Profiles of Major Thinkers
B.F. Skin
British Falkands on the SKIN of EARTH …… Skinner inner … inner EARTH journey of Jules Verne ….. research on operant conditioning made him one of the leaders of behaviorism, and a magnet for controversy with the
Fe = Ferrous oxide ..,,, Female IRON LADY
British Falklands exists on the EARTH Skin
B. F. Skinner | Operant Conditioning | About…
B. F. Skinner | Operant Conditioning | About…
British Falklands EARTH Skin …. inner EARTH messages form the iron core 26 letter alphabet
| Operant Conditioning
| Operant Conditioning
| Operant Conditioning ……. EARTH systems MASTER-MIND
This is not a new message in year 2015
The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha
The brain and the magnetic field DATA FLOW lines LINK to the iron core ….
gives rise to the ideas of …..
The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha
Hollow Earth Hypothesis – Crystalinks
The Hollow Earth Theory – Viewzone
The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha – The New Earth
Voyages to the Inner Earth and the Realm of Aghartha.
Thus you have some pieces to a puzzle … about life on EARTH.
Do you undestand your own existence?
More book clues about Falk iron gear in Milwaukee.
2006 Falk Corporation explosion – Wikipedia, the free …
The 2006 Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006. Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] An investigation of the cause of the disaster uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex. Several parties involved in the explosion have launched legal action in connection to the accident.
Falk Corporation
The Falk Corporation manufactures large industrial gears, couplings, chains, bearings and other industrial components and equipment.[2]
Located in the Menomonee River Valley in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is owned by Rexnord. The complex is more than 61 acres (250,000 m2), and has 1,500,000 square feet (140,000 m2) of buildings.[1] 600 people were inside the complex at the time of the explosion.[1] The building that exploded was located in one corner of the complex.
Falk Corporation
The company was founded in 1856 … as an expression of water molecule 18 and iron-56 isotope.
Iron-56 expressions in year 1856 VIA human iron blood ..thought data processing …. and its OUTPUT expression activity systems
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron–56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron–56. Of all nuclides, iron–56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV …
Great Events < Thus Spoke Zarathustra < Friedrich …
Friedrich Nietzsche. …
There is an isle in the sea—not far from the Happy Isles of Zarathustra—on which a volcano ever smoketh; of which isle the people, and especially the old …
The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism: …
Heidegger, Nietzsche and Marx Arthur Kroker … is Nietzsche’s Zarathustra in conversation with the fire-dog: The earth has a skin; and this skin has diseases.
Deadly Fire
At Milwaukee Warehouse – WEAU
At Milwaukee War…e…house – WEAU
AtoM …………….War earth house – WEAU
Dec 6, 2006 – Fire Chief William Wentlandt says the search of the rubble and … Other buildings at the Falk complex were damaged by the blast. … Police Chief Nan Hegerty says a preliminary investigation shows the explosion and fire was .
Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same
only Zarathustra’s shadow that travels through the “gate to the underworld” to the heart of …
In the dark heart of the earth,
where the nothing appears to one as a …
Zarathustra has a discussion with the fire hound and says:
said Lt. Brian O’Connor, a spokesman for the Milwaukee Fire Department. …
Falk, a manufacturer of industrial gears whose roots
in Milwaukee date … year 1856 iron-56
gears whose roots
gears whose roots
gears whose roots
Nietzsche’s Epic of the Soul: Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Zarathustra has repeatedly stressed the abyss, the center of the earth, as the ground of all existence. Only the … The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
Nietzsche’s Epic of the Soul: Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Zarathustra has repeatedly stressed the abyss,
the center of the earth,
as the ground of all existence.
Nietzsche’s Epic (E pictures –> Earth pictures langauge) of the Soul:
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Zarathustra has repeatedly stressed the abyss, the center of the earth, as the ground of all existence. Only the … The earth has a skin, which has two disease
The earth has a skin, which has two disease
The earth has a skin, which has two disease
The earth has a skin, which has two disease –> Images two towers attack
Why were the Twin Towers chosen for the attack on 9/11 …
Primarily for symbolic reasons. The Twin Towers were seen as a symbol of American economic power. That’s why they were chosen for the failed 1993 attack as
911 Twin Towers Terrorist Attack: 20 Amazing Facts …
Dec 22, 2013 – The Twin Towers attack on 11th September 2001. On 11th September 2001 in New York City USA, two passenger jet airplanes (American …
Manhattan Project – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Manhattan Project created the first nuclear bombs. …… Work on the main building began in October 1943, and the six-stage pilot plant was ready for …
Manhattan Project Chronology
– Atomic Archive 1943 to year 2001
Manhattan Project Chronology
– Atomic year 1943 + and number Ten of Tensor space/time –> Year 2001
www.atomicarchive.com › History › The Manhattan Project
Space, Time, Matter – Dover Publications
By: Hermann Weyl … From this the nature of the amalgamation of space and time is derived. … Dr. Weyl’s introduction of the concept of tensor-density as a magnitude of quantity (contrasted with tensors which are considered to be magnitudes …
auf der Welt
in der ganzen Welt bekannt sein
s-1 and Tensor number –> S-11 –> September 11
JES2 job execution commands – IBM
JES2 allows you to issue commands to control job execution in the following ways: Route specified jobs for execution: Issue the $R XEQ,D= command to route
Methods of Execution approved by the Department of Justice arrogant Bs and rigged TRIALs
| Death Penalty Information Center
*New Mexico and Nebraska abolished the death penalty but their repeals may not apply retroactively,
leaving bio-computer inmates on death row facing possible computer science execution.
September 11 attacks, 2,996 people were killed:
Controlling the sequence of job execution of 2900 people
at the Base 2 binary Towers
from the base 16 HEX address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Because multiple JES2 subsystems alter the execution queues in a shared-spool environment, jobs in the same class with the same priority can execute out of … …
proceed to the pilot plant stage
Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden
Os ..ma bin La
OS/JCL human bio-computer society … map
La = Load address instruction
AS we know ,,,, the EARTH iron core and the magnetic field FLOW LINES flowed into the Manhattan iron towers filled with people with iron HEME group Fe(2) ions.
Earth systems and Darwin quality control systems detected the Iron buildings to filled with people filled with BRAIN CONTENT nonsense ..
thus Nature recognized the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family…… atomic social philosophy problems of the Manhatttan project (the social anthropology component) ….. thus citizen ERRORS resulted in Nature’s creation of the Manhattan project ERROR message of September 11, 2001.
Battle of the Iron Triangle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Battle of the Iron Triangle took place on May 16, 1974, when the 9th Division of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) backed by a small contingent of tanks …
May da – data emergency message
Operation Cedar Falls:
Search and Destroy in the Iron Triangle
Jul 6, 2012 – The Iron Triangle was so heavily defended, forested and fortified that it … expose serious weaknesses in South Vietnam’s ability to care for …
Super-symmetry exitential physics MIRRORS …..
the Syrian conflict code –> Sy conflict –> Symmetry and System wars
8 years ago Saturday, the I-35W bridge collapsed …
Aug 1, 2015 – On Aug. 1, 2007, at 6:05 p.m., the I-35W bridge across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145 others.
The I-35W Mississippi River bridge (officially known as Bridge 9340 –>
Manhattan project permutation code 1943 0 943o)
was an eight-lane, steel truss arch bridge that carried Interstate 35W across the Saint Anthony Falls of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.
During the evening rush hour on August 1, 2007, it suddenly collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The bridge was Minnesota’s second busiest,[4][5] carrying 140,000 vehicles daily.[3]
During the evening rush hour
During the evening rush hour
During the even ing
During the even integer …… rush hour
Thus we have some pieces to a VAST puzzle about the ferrous oxide IRON atom and Ferrous oxide adult females and their SECRET.
Are you married?
Has your wife told you about her identity …
…………………..fe –> ferrous oxide IRON agent
…………………..fe –> base 16 Hex’fe’ =254 information systems agent
Next …….the football grid iron problems and the assassination of Junior Seau.
Steve Baul “Junior” Seau Jr. January 19, 1969 – May 2, 2012) was a linebacker in the National Football League (NFL).
Known for his passionate playing style,
he was a 10-time All-Pro,
12-time Pro Bowl selection,
and named to the NFL 1990s All-Decade Team.
He was elected posthumously to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2015.
#26 – Iron – Fe
Name, Iron. Symbol, Fe. Atomic Number, 26. Atomic Mass, 55.845 atomic mass units.
Number of Protons, 26.
Number of Protons, 26.
Number of Protons, 26.
Number of Protons, 26.
Known for his passionate playing style,
he was a 10-time All-Pro,
12-time Pro Bowl selection,
and named to the NFL 1990s All-Decade Team.
He was elected posthumously to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2015.
…in other words …..
Known for his passionate playing style,
he was a 10-time All-Proton,
12-time atomic bio-physics Proton Bowl selection,
and named to the NFL 1990s All-Decade Team.
He was elected posthumously by FermilAB physics in Batavia to the
in 2015.
… and
He was elected posthumously to the Pro Football Hall of Fame
..in other words
Hexadecimal base 16 oxygen breathing LIFE FORM was elected posthumously to the oxygen PROTON Football Hall
of IBM system 37.0 human bio-computer main frame …
and its fame and glory …… representing Nature’s vast intellectual engineering abilities …….. working with human agents.
Manhattan Project Chronology – Atomic Archive
The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb. … June 17 1943: President Roosevelt approves the S-1 Executive Committee recommendation to proceed to
19 AND 43 numeric codes:
Date of birth: | January 19, 1969 |
Date of death: | May 2, 2012 (aged 43) |
Junior Seau dies at 43 – ESPN.com
May 3, 2012 – Former NFL great Junior Seau, who played most of his career at … of San Diego’s lone Super Bowl team who has died, all before the age of 45.
NFL legend Junior Seau found dead at his California home …
May 2, 2012 – Former NFL linebacker Junior Seau was found dead Wednesday morning at his Southern California home. He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
He was 43 years old.
Shooting of Samuel DuBose – Wikipedia, the free …
Samuel “Sam” Vincent DuBose ( c. 1972 – July 19, 2015), a 43-year-old black man, was a rapper, a music producer, entrepreneur, and motorcycle enthusiast.
Sam DuBose’s Death Drastically Different From the …
Jul 29, 2015 – University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing was charged Wednesday with the murder of Sam DuBose, 43, an unarmed black driver he had pulled over for an alleged missing license plate.
16 Facts to Know About the Cincinnati Sam Dubose Shooting
Jul 30, 2015 – The victim was Sam Dubose, a 43-year-old father. The cop, Ray Tensing, age 25, is now in police custody after being charged with murder and ..
16 Facts to Know
16 Facts to Know …… Tensing, age 25
numbers 16 and 25 and ….. 4 and 3 of age 43
Shooting of Samuel DuBose in the Bose-Einstein Condensate WAR in Cincinnati
Wikipedia, the free …
The shooting of Samuel DuBose occurred during a traffic stop for a missing front … 1972 – July 19, 2015), a 43-year-old black man, was a rapper, a music …
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) | physics | Britannica.com
Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC), a state of matter in which separate atoms or subatomic particles
Bose-Einstein Condensate Definition – Physics – About.com
Definition: A Bose–Einstein condensate is a rare state (or phase) of matter in which a large percentage of bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state, ..
Bose-Einstein Condensates – Jupiter Scientific
Bose–Einstein Condensates. Named for the theorists Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein who predicted its existence, a Bose–Einstein condensate is an …
The Hindu Bose-Einstein Condensate with sample space DEMO …..
…………..duBose ………….
Sam DuBose age 43
Sample space DuBose …….. Nature’s message to Cincinnati and OHIO ..
… in other words…. Nature view of the
EARTH geography surface region
and project ……. Paris = Parallel Information systems ….
Hindu Bose-Einstein Condensates THEORY – Jupiter Scientific
Bose–Einstein Condensates. Named for the theorists Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein who predicted its existence, a Bose–Einstein condensate is an …
The possibility of a phase change
The possibility of a phase change
The possibility of a phase change
Bose-Einstein condensation in the solid state – Phys.org
Sep 27, 2006 – The possibility of a phase change into a Bose–Einstein-like condensate theoretically applies
Phase transition – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one
The possibility of a phase change
The possibility of a phase change
The possibility of a phase change
….du Bose-Einstein Condensates APPLICATIONS –
A phase transition is the transformation of a thermodynamic system from one ….
Space, Time, Matter: Hermann Weyl: 9780486602677 …
Space, Time, Matter [Hermann Weyl] on Amazon.com. … Although a degree of mathematical sophistication is presupposed, Dr. Weyl develops all the tensor …
Space, Time, Matter – Dover Publications
By: Hermann Weyl … Dr. Weyl’s introduction of the concept of tensor-density as a magnitude of quantity (contrasted with tensors … of intensity) is a major step toward a clearer understanding of the relationships among space, time, and matter.
Tensor space/time family:
Officer Tensing ‘needed to protect himself and the system’
Aug 8, 2015 – Scroll to the bottom of the story to read the full text of the Tensing family letter.
the Department of Energy ….
OFFICE of SCIENCE physics / bio-physics LAB experiment specimen Samuel DuBose …
and the killing of Micheal Brown ..,,,,,
the Brownian motion and breeder reactor HUMAN experiment approved by FermilAB / Wilson Hall
and the Batavia atomic social sciences approved attack at Paris
(Parallel information systems WAR zone) ..
at the EARTH systems battle code site–> Bataclan = Batavia Clan.
Thus …highway 38 in Batavia.
The Science Wars – Cardiff University
This page by Harry Collins explains the ‘science wars‘, which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had …
You can’t follow the science wars without a Batavia EXISTENTIAL mathematical-physics battle map
Dec 11, 1997 – As the name suggests, the “science wars” belong mostly to the second sort. …. Harry Collins of the University of Cardiff finds scientists often …
The 38th parallel war in Paris at the Bataclan
Uranium – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uranium is a chemical element with symbol U and atomic number 92. It is a silvery-white metal in the actinide series of the periodic table. A uranium atom has 92 protons and 92 electrons, of which 6 are valence electrons.
Neutron news about Margaret Mead atomic social sciences
number 43 …… signal one = 1 man killed age 43
Junior Seau – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Seau was assassinated by the periodic atomic table and the EARTH iron core conflict with the FOOTBALL industry … grid iron communications protocol ERRORS………… thus atomic brain thoughts and iron HEME group thoughts … with a gunshot wound to the chest in 2012 at the age of43 –> signal to uranium 143 about
the Uri Geller message systems ,
the uranium furniture function at Pier 1 imports in Batavia, Illinois, etc
Grand Unified Theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a model in particle physics in which at high energy, the three gauge interactions of the Standard Model which define the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions or forces, are merged into one single force.
Grand Unified Theory approval of the ……….
Grand Jury Indicts Police Officer Ray Tensing for Shooting …
Jul 29, 2015 – Ray Tensing, an officer with the University of Cincinnati Police Department, is accused of fatally shooting 43-year-old Samuel Dubose as seen …
Sam Dubose: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Jul 20, 2015 – Sam Dubose is the man who was shot dead by a University of Cincinatti
University of Cincinatti
University of Cincinatti
University of Cincinatti
University of Cin cin wave component of a sin wave
The living language …… graphic …. energy configuration
–> key word –> sin wave
sin sin sin sin ….. sequence of sin waves
cin cin –> the cincinnati configuration
Bose-Einstein Condensates – Jupiter Scientific
Bose–Einstein Condensates. Named for the theorists Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein who predicted its existence, a Bose–Einstein condensate is an …
Satyendra Nath Bose – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Satyendra Nath Bose, FRS (Bengali: সত্যেন্দ্র নাথ বসু Shottendronath Boshū, IPA: [ʃot̪ːend̪ronat̪ʰ boʃu]; 1 January 1894 – 4 February 1974) was an …
Satyendra Nath Bose – Physicist, Scientist – Biography.com
Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose is known for working with Albert Einstein on the Bose-Einstein Condensate and as namesake of the boson, or “God particle.”.
Cin Cin nati ……North America time (project time of Nature’s systems)
…………..nath –> Nath bose
Shooting of Sam DuBose – Wikipedia, the free …
Jump to University of Cincinnati Police Department – [edit]. The University of Cincinnati Police Department is certified by the state of Ohio and has full …
The shooting of Samuel DuBose occurred during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate on July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, when Ray Tensing, a white University of Cincinnati police officer, fatally shot DuBose, an unarmed black man. Tensing fired after DuBose started his car. Tensing stated that DuBose had begun to drive off
July 19, 2015
July 19, 2015
July 19, 2015
July 19, 2015 –> information refer-back pointer to ….
……..1920 and 15 ……. year 1920 thru 1935
Satyendra Nath Bose, FRS was an Indian physicist specialising in mathematical physics. He is best known for his work on quantum mechanics in the early 1920s, providing the foundation for Bose–Einstein
his work on quantum mechanics in the early 1920s
his work on quantum mechanics in the early 1920s
his work on quantum mechanics in the early 1920s
Thus in year 2015…we have the mystery of India physics, mathematics, and Nature’s data generating …. social engineering … signaling event from Cincinnati.
The EARTH LAB …… N = Norris Hall message using students as particles
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Norris Hall shootings – [edit]. Students sitting on the floor. Elementary French class students take cover in Holden Hall room 212. About two hours …
Kevin Granata –
GV Loganathan ……… messages for India and Indian heritage scientists in the world
Timeline of the N particles message ……
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
Norris Hall, where 30 of the 32 victims had died. … This timeline of events from the Virginia Techshooting lists times in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
The SYMBOL MACHINE war code …………..
shooting lists times in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
shooting lists times in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
shooting lists times in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC –> Utoya Children …..
Utøya …… earth surface space / time war zone …
time military action code ………….. UTC
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On 22 July 2011, a mass shooting took place at the AUF’s summer youth camp, where 650 children / young people were staying.
Anders Behring Breivik arrived on Utøya
Anders ….. message for Andes Mountain agent from perU = per U-
An –> atomic number agent for Nature’s atomic social expression systems ….
Margaret Mead U = Uranium nuclear family messages
for perU, MIT and FermiLAB
Next we look at Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools to review the murder of Sam Hengel and cover-up by the Marinette community of that murder.
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held …
Nov 30, 2010 – Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom hostage, dies from injuries. … 15-year-old Samuel Hengel died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound after he held a classroomhostage. A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died …
A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students
A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students
A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students
A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students
A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students
A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students –> link to the living EARTH cell and
EARTH geography language number 23.5 …….. Tropic of Cancer, etc
Thus Nature’s message from Wisconsin …… that EARTH is 1/2 of a relationship with humans (the other 1/2) …… thus the pair of 2 …… living entities ..ought be perceived as chromosome pair.
Cub Scout Den Meetings – Boy Scouts of America
Cub Scout Den Meetings. A den is a group of six to eight boys, within the pack, that meets several times a month between pack meetings. The boys in a den are …
Thus the Boy Scout …Wisconsin DEN ……. with Sam Hengel
Bose–Einstein statistics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics is one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting …
………… sine waves
Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …
Den and Pack Meetings – Boy Scouts of America
Den meetings are the stepping-stones by which a boy progresses through the Cub Scout program. At pack meetings, families celebrate their achievements …
At pack meetings
At pack meetings
At pack meetings .. EARTH LINK …..
At packistan –> Pakistan standard model meeting with the Z-axis and atomic number President Z
ANP –> Atomic Number of Protons and their thoughts …….
and the periodic atomic table usage of human expression agents and human information display devices
Awami National Party – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Alliance with Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) – )[edit]. Since its inception, the ANP has been an important ally of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).
Pakistan Muslim League (Z) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is named after General Zia-ul-Haq, Pakistan’s Ex-President from 1978 to 1988. … After PML-Q was routed following the general elections of 2008, PML-Z …
Asif Ali Zardari – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Pakistan floods and Europe tour – The 2010 Pakistan floods began in late July with rain in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and soon submerged a fifth of …
Why is atomic number agent called “Z area” –> Zar –> Zardari?
Why is mass NOT existant in the Boston Marathon Trial in Massachusetts atomic social science TRIAL
– Antoine
Sep 16, 1999 – “Atomic number” in German is “Atomzahl”, so the Z symbol for atomic number probably comes from “Zahl” (number). The Encyclopedia of …
………………………………..H + eng + el –> Hydrogen energy/english (language) elements
Bose-Einstein Condensate …… in existential physics dimensions on earth.
Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige …
Nov 30, 2010 – Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital … Outside Hengel’s home in Porterfield was a large sign that said “we do …
Outside H eng (Hydrogen energy) home in Port er field
Outside H eng (Hydrogen energy) home in Port er field
Satyendra Nath Bose (Physicist, Scientist ) and others …
with Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan (and current events) are EARTH geography ..human activity expressions of the EARTH iron core THOUGHT MACHINE and the periodic atomic table …… and the various atomic social engineering and atomic brain engineering problems that may exist.
Thus Nature’s creation of the atomic social science battle in Paris ..
at the Batavia clan COMMUNICATIONS problem reflected at Bataclan.
Attack at Paris’s Bataclan:
‘two or three men began shooting …
Nov 14, 2015 – Like most Friday nights, especially those with a “special event”, theBataclan nightclub and concert hall near Paris’s Place de la République …
Nature’s creation of the atomic social science battle in Paris at Bataclan ..was a consequence of the Batavia clan COMMUNICATIONS problem
regarding themselves, Boston and Department of Justice agent Carmen Ortiz’s issuance of the death commands
…… to the periodic atomic table carbon atom orbitals
—> to the organic chemistry continuum
–> to atomic, bio-physics organic humanoids of the Spanish language in Barcelona, Spain that used human infra-red dermatology skin emission SECRET language,etc and attacked the body and the brain neuron LANGUAGES of Germanwings co-pilot Lubitz ..
thereby creating the death of 150 people of the Northern hemisphere
Pier Oddone (Peru South America)
Carmen Ortiz (Puerto Rico Central America)
Argentina ( Falk wars with astrophysics Emilo Falco)
Buenos Aires (Oxygen molecule AIR lung commands creating Oklahoma City bombing and the Omaha Westroad shooting) etc
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
by Herbert Spencer … in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more of that abridged and less specific formula, in which Life is said to be the continuous adjustment ofinternalrelations to external relations. (§7 ¶1).
Life is said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations
Life –> fe –> ferrous oxide IRON atom and its 26 alphabet letters
bull-story explanations approved by Washington DC and its science agents
n correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;
in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences;
sequences …. mathematicians
…………………………………..cia n-space –>
AtoM –> A to letter M –> AtoM project–>AM
–> AMerica years 1776 to 2015 .. and the citizen clown problems
sequences …. mathematicians
…………………………………..cia n-space –> news space
Batavia ….. FermiLAB Alphabets schemes
Ba……………..F Alp
Barcelona French Alps
Paris –> Parallel information systems WAR
The Hidden Reality: earthly Parallel language Universes and the Deep Laws (of Bull-shirt minus letter r ) …
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. …
The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology about football and
sports atomic commands to the sp-orbit sub-shells:
Is our earthly universe and its languages the …
Thus …..
Anders Behring Breivik – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anders Behring Breivik (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈɑnːəʂ ˈbeːrɪŋ … of a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp on the island of Utøya. In August 2012, he was convicted of mass murder, causing a fatal explosion, and terrorism.
he was convicted of mass murder
he was convicted of mass ..ur der
he was convicted of atomic mass ..uranium dermatology / EARTH surface skin ….. murder as a periodic atomic table projection ..
Thus ….. FermiLAB and Earth Languages …..
Nature’s agent Pier Oddone and the Department of Energy
forget their existence on EARTH as subsets of Nature’s vast variety of message systems …..
PerU –> Periodic table Uranium + Andes Mountains
………………………………. U ………….. Ande
………………………………. Utoya Anders ……………….
The Department of Energy ought tell oxygen President O and his people about existence ……. and the history of nitrogen President N in year 1970 and the existence of water molecule messages from year 1972.
The Watergate Story – The Washington Post
A June 1972 break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the … He will later pardon Nixon of all charges related to the Watergate case.
Mike Ditka – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was an NFL champion with the 1963 Bears, and is a three-time Super Bowl champion, playing on the Cowboys VI team as well as coaching the XII winning team, and coaching the Bears to victory inSuper Bowl XX. He was named to both the NFL’s 50th and 75th Anniversary All-Time Team
As a coach for the Bears for 11 years he was twice both the AP and UPI NFL Coach of Year (1985 and 1988). He also coached the New Orleans Saints for three years.
…tom flo –> Tom flores
He is known by the nickname “Iron Mike”
Chicago Bears
After firing previous coach Neill Armstrong following the 1981 season, Halas decided to take Ditka up on his offer from several years earlier and hired him to become the team’s head coach for 1982 campaign. Although the Bears had made the playoffs under Armstrong and his predecessor Jack Pardee, those were the only two winning seasons since Halas’ retirement as coach and he was looking for a coach who would bring the Bears back to prominence. Shortly after his hiring, as recounted by Mike Singletary in 2006, Ditka called a team meeting. In the meeting he warned that the team would experience some turnover, but if they were all willing to work hard for him and stand with him, Ditka promised a trip to the Super Bowl within three seasons.[11]Specifically Ditka said “Give me three years, and if you walk with me, we’ll get to the dance.” [12]
By his third season, Ditka led the Bears to the NFC Championship Game, where the Bears were shut out by the eventual Super Bowl-winning 49ers in San Francisco. The following year, Ditka’s coaching career hit its pinnacle on January 26, 1986, with a 46–10 trouncing of the New England PatriotsinSuper Bowl XX at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. D
Bandit code –> bio-radio bandwidth
Band …………….
Chicago married husband
…………………………….bandwidth … SECRET brain languages
Waco Texas explains Chicago secret communications systems.
2015 Waco and the FCC attack at the TWIN PEAKS wave sign
… the bio-radio wars shootout – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC), including the Bandidos, Cossacks…
Bandit + Kafka (Franz Kafka .. subconscious MIND agent) ..
…….dit ka –> iron MIKE …iron microphone secret agent
Bandit + Kafka (Franz Kafka .. subconscious MIND agent) ..
…….dit ka –> iron MIKE …iron microphone secret agent ..
Franz Kafka – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franz Kafka (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) was a German-language writer of novels and short stories, widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th century …
The Metamorphosis of Ditka:
Franz Dit.KA KA.fka
: 9781557427663: Amazon …
The Metamorphosis [Franz Kafka] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. TheMetamorphosis (original Ge = Geography German title: Die Verwandlung ) is a short …
…player …p layer ….
processing layer war casualty …Junior Seau.

Thus the Boston Marathon HUMAN RACE runners that ran in year 2013
The Boston bombing caused by humans that exist in the vertical Z-dimension AND violate the z-axis dimension …
Thus , The Earth iron core ..ferrous oxide IRON atom language is stating….. that the EARTH surface people of Boston need permission from Nature’s systems to continue their existence in the Z-axis ….. since they have so many violations of their SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature …… coupled with their lies and inaccurate explanations of events ….. such as the sodium chloride SALT molecule ordered assassination of Robert Kennedy in a hotel restaurant kitchen for violations of the periodic atomic table …nuclear arms, elbows, mouth SALT TREATY.
Now, one final comment about flow lines ….
The Earth iron core and its tremendous amount of heat and energy ….. perhaps, may …
create a magnetic data field record WITH energy content (like a military photon torpedo as described in Star Wars) … and the EARTH iron core anger at the Earth surface people ……… may take this Earth iron core magnetic field ENERGY torpedo and TRAVEL via the field lines to the Earth surface to a specific military target …………. such as Chicago and starting the fire in the iron building CONVENTION CENTER
MCCORMICK PLACE FIRE, CHICAGO: JANUARY 16, 1967. McCormick Place, an exhibition center on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive, opened in November 1960.
Chicago McCormick Place Convention Center 23rd St. and …
The fire selected is: THE McCORMICK PLACE fire which occured in Chicago on January 16, 1967. This fire destroyed the huge convention center that was (and …
Let’s review January 16 … number 16
Battle of the Iron Triangle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Battle of the Iron Triangle took place on May 16, 1974, when the 9th Division of the VietnamPeople’s Army (VPA) backed by a small contingent of tanks …
May da – data emergency message
Then April 16 code Vi No –> Virginia Norris Hall shooting
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute ………………..
Norris Hall shootings ….
About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut.
Operation Cedar Falls:
Search and Destroy in the Iron Triangle
Jul 6, 2012 – The Iron Triangle was so heavily defended, forested and fortified that it … expose serious weaknesses in South Vietnam’s ability to care for …
Super-symmetry exitential physics MIRRORS …..
the Syrian conflict code –> Sy conflict –> Symmetry and System wars
8 years ago Saturday, the I-35W bridge collapsed …
Aug 1, 2015 – On Aug. 1, 2007, at 6:05 p.m., the I-35W bridge across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145 others.
The I-35W Mississippi River bridge (officially known as Bridge 9340 –>
Manhattan project permutation code 1943 0 943o)
was an eight-lane, steel truss arch bridge that carried Interstate 35Wacross the Saint Anthony Fallsof the Mississippi River in Minneapolis,Minnesota, United States.
During the evening rush hour on August 1, 2007, it suddenly collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The bridge was Minnesota’s second busiest,[4][5] carrying 140,000 vehicles daily.[3]
During the evening rush hour
During the evening rush hour
During the even ing
During the even integer …… rush hour
Thus we have a better perception of the EVENT
Chicago McCormick Place Convention Center 23rd St. and …
The fire selected is: THE McCORMICK PLACE fire which occured in Chicago on January 16, 1967. This fire destroyed the huge convention center that was (and …
F]Investigation of Fire Impact on Structural Steel through Case …
May 4, 2006 – manual analyzing structural steel failures due to fire was developed. …… systems, such as the McCormick Place Fire in Chicago, Ill. It also ….. during the fire caused failure of connections and distortion of the beams and girders.
Debunking the Debunkers: Other Collapses in Perspective
Jun 4, 2011 – Steel, while obviously very strong, is not immune to the effects of fire, which is … Hoffman has also examined the McCormick Place roof collapse that is ….. that the beam stubs connected to the columns did not fail from the fires.
McCormick Place – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCormick Place is the largest convention center in North America. … The largest regular events are the Chicago Auto Show each February, the International … in a spectacular 1967 fire, despite being thought fireproof by virtue of its steel and …
Thus the attack by the Southern Hemisphere ..Tropic of Capricorn line 23,5 S –> mappin to 23 South street in Chicago ….. the Southern Hemisphere .. Spanish and Portugese existential elements …. usage of the magnetic field and the gravity field for the attack against the IRON CONVENTION center.
Chicago McCormick Place Convention Center 23rd St. and …
in addition, the gravity field code 67 –> on January 16, 1967.
Thus we have the EARTH iron core ….. magnetic field ENERGY torpedos and the RIGHT side of the gravity equation …. number 67 ………………….. and the combination of forces and energy CONVERGENCE at an atomic location in an IRON BEAM in the McCormick Convention Center to start the fire.
Torpedos and
……… dos …… Spanish number 2 = two
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The modern torpedo is a self-propelled weapon with an explosive warhead, launched above or below the water surface, propelled underwater towards a target, and designed to detonate either on contact with its target or in proximity to it.
numbers 16 and 19 … and the military charge of atomic nuclei on
finished setting up their booths for the
13th International Housewares Show at McCormick Place, …
…………..rna…………………war ….
Messenger RNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.
13th Inter…………………………………………..M
M-theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
M-theory is a theory in physics that unifies all consistent versions of superstring theory. The existence of such a theory was first conjectured by Edward Witten at a string theory conference at the University of Southern California in the spring of 1995.
13th Inter……………………………………… at.M
Tom Flores – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Raymond “Tom” Flores (born March 21, 1937) is a retired American football quarterback and coach. Flores and Mike Ditka are the only two people in …
Mike Ditka – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He and Tom Flores are the only two people to win an NFL title as a player, an assistant
Tom Flores
Tom Flores
Tom Flores
Tom Flo res
Tom Flow …… Magnetic field flow lines interact with grid iron football players
You can use a CICS bundle to create, edit, and install a LIBRARY resource … so all program load modules that are resident in private LIBRARY concatenations …
Installing application programs – IBM
Oct 17, 2015 – To install an application program to run under CICS you must … produce a load module, which you store in an application load library in the … and how you can make application programs permanently resident, are described.
BLDL macro – IBM
Some of these programs may be modules resident in load libraries stored on disks. To bring a member of a load library into virtual storage and run it, GCS needs …
May 16, 1974 IRON Triangle
April 16, 2007 Virginia TECH
Loader and Program Storage report – IBM
LIBRARY Load requests, The number of times the loader issued an MVS™ LOAD …. The current amount of storage allocated to resident programs in the SDSA.
The number of times the loader issued an MVS™ LOAD
The number of times the loader issued an MVS™ LOAD
The number of times the loader issued …… an = anderson death ….. Matt Anderson and the Base 16 HEX “FF’A organization ……… and the cover-up of his murder
Wisconsin Ag … Base 16 HEXADECIMAL Connection
– Past State FFA President Killed …
Aug 20, 2007 – According to the Sauk County Sheriff’s Department, Matt Anderson was driving an end loader onto a trailer at about 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning …
Returning to Earth iron core ENERGY torpedos delivered VIA North/South pole magnetic field flow lines …we see the Mccormick fire and its creation and the incomplete story explanations printed in the newspapers.
Chicago McCormick Place Convention Center 23rd St. and …
The fire selected is: THE McCORMICK PLACE fire which occured in Chicago on January 16, 1967. This fire destroyed the huge convention center that was (and …
Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools …..
E = McC
Energy = mcc message from Mcc place in Chicago in year 1967
McCormick Place, an exhibition center on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive, opened in November …
early roof collapse and unstable exterior panel walls.” The report ..
early roof collapse and unstable exterior panel walls
early roof collapse and unstable exterior panel walls
ear….roof collapse and unstable exterior panel walls
earth proof collapse
E = Mcc ….. the modern version
E = McCormick Place
E = McC + cor + rm + mic k Place
E = McC + core + room + atomic k Place
and possibily
E = McCormick Place of La.place functions
The Laplace transform of Mccormick
………. place
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In mathematics the Laplace transform is an integral transform named after its discoverer Pierre-Simon Laplace (/ləˈplɑːs/). It takes a function of a positive real …
McCormick Place, an exhibition center on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive, opened in November …
early roof collapse and unstable exterior panel walls.” The report ..
early roof collapse and unstable exterior panel walls
early roof collapse and unstable exterior panel walls
Rebuilt, but never forgotten – the McCormick Place fire of 1967
Jan 1, 2014 – Rebuilt, but never forgotten – the McCormick Place fire of 1967 … The fire subsided around 10 a.m., but the roof had completely collapsed, …
but the roof had completely collapsed
but the proof had completely collapsed
but the proof had completely col ….. Col –> columns of the atomic table LINK to Columbia University problems, the Columbine High School shooting, etc
So who the heck ever said “Pull it” was slang for controlled …
For a building to completely collapse from fire would take ALL the steel …. McCormick Place’s roof fell within 20 minutes, without a plane hit or …
McCormick Place’s roof fell within 20 minutes
McC………………….. proof fell within 20 minutes –> 20 standard amino acids LINK to 20/20 optical vision and the brain photon SYMBOL PROCESSOR
McCormick Place’s roof fell within 20 minutes
McC………………….. proof fell hin 20 minutes ….
McCormick Place’s roof fell within 20 minutes
McC………………….. proof fell hin –> hindu Bose-Enstein condensate
the Universal Mind THEORY thoughts expressed thru the work of Bose and Einstein ……. goes to the application EARTH surface region of India North America (state of Indiana near Chicago McCormick Place) to ……
one MIND-SET at the Housewares show ….. they have a common denominator …
atomic thoughts and economic behavior ……. and their LUNGS use oxygen atom 16 ..
and the oxygen/ iron fire on January 16.
finished setting up their booths for the
13th International Housewares Show at McCormick Place, …
Chicago McCormick Place Convention Center 23rd St. and …
The fire selected is: THE McCORMICK PLACE fire which occured in Chicago on January 16, 1967. Thisfire destroyed the huge convention center that was (and …
Condensate –> subset codes –> Con + den (a room ..a den)
–> giving the REALITY event –> Con + den –> Convention center BIG room /building
Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens ” TALE of 2 Cities”.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.
McCormick Place’s roof fell within 20 minutes
McC………………….. proof fell in –> fellini movies 20/20 optical clues ….
McCormick Place’s roof fell within 20 minutes
McC………………….. proof fell in –> fellini REALITY at Penn State
Paige Raque: Penn State cheerleader, 19, makes …
Dec 5, 2012 – The Penn State cheerleader who almost died after falling 39-feet from an apartment window has been released from hospital and is speaking …
Penn State cheerleader, 19, …… falling 39-feet –> 19 and 39 –>
Eight People Charged in Paige Raque Incident – Onward State
Jan 29, 2013 – Eight Penn State students have been charged ……movie 8 1/2 feedback signal
…. feedback signals.
16th Street Baptist Church bombing – Wikipedia, the free …
The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing was an act of white supremacist terrorism which occurred at the African-American 16th Street Baptist Church in …
Birmingham Church Bombing – Black History – HISTORY.com
On September 15, a bomb exploded before Sunday morning services at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama–a church with a predominantly …
Ralph Ellison on “Invisible high school algebra textbook Manuscript Man”
Working in Birmingham’s Iron Industry – Alabama …
iron furnace, iron workers at Sloss Furnace, and Sloss low-cost housing. … photos of making iron and of making steel and will use image-based questions …. create Alice Furnace (named after his oldest daughter), the first blast furnace …
Birmingham Iron and Steel Companies | Encyclopedia of …
Jul 8, 2008 – Sloss Blast Furnace The 1880s saw a frenzy of construction, in which 19 additional furnaces were erected in or near Birmingham. In 1881
The company-owned track extended outward from its blast furnaces and coke ovens, to its limestone …
outward from its blast
……war……………. blast
16th Street Baptist Church Bombing (1963) – Civil Rights (US
On September 15, 1963, the congregation of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama greeted each other before the start of Sunday service.
In summary ..we see the Boston TRIAL …..
Neuroscience | Boston University
The broad range of neuroscience research at BU is coordinated through a unified community of investigators from multiple research groups of our Charles River …
Neuroscience |
Neuroscience |
Neuroscience |………………………
N euro –> North Europe and
Nature’s brain engineering …..
neuron SYMBOL ENGINES versus the
Spanish, African, and Arabic music brains with various songs and dances of ethical superiority and their ability to JUDGE the events on Boylston Street ……
the Department of Justice carefully ignores and omits REALITY and SYMBOL MACHINE
evidence related to the TRIAL
and refuses to help develop an accurate explanation of Nature’s data generating EVENT.
Thus the LANGUAGE attack and INSULTS by the Federal government on Nature’s neuron system in the Boston TRIAL …….
resulted in the death of 150 people on the Germanwings airplane that left Spanish language soil of Barcelona, Spain.
In addition, the Boston death sentence threats CAUSED Nature’s systems to create the death of Spanish language heritage person …TSA Hernandez in LAX airport.
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting – Wikipedia …
Ciancia made it as far as the end of the terminal in the food court, where LAX police … The gunman shotTSA Officer Gerardo I. Hernandez, age 39, at the airport.
Widow’s wrongful death lawsuit in LAX shooting of TSA …
Jan 2, 2015 – Widow’s wrongful death lawsuit in LAX shooting of TSA agent moves … TSA Behavior Detection Officer Gerardo Hernandez, was killed by a gunman … World Airports — the operators of LAX— the Los Angeles Airport Police, …
Parallel processing DEATH systems with Boston and the Department of Justice
claims of superior BS explanations of REALITY .
TDA Officer Gerardo I. Hernandez
TSA Officer Gerardo I. Hernandez
TSA ………………………………rna –> TsaRNAev
Thus the BOSTON Spanish language DEATH sentence …
applied to the Spanish people …..
by the SYMBOL MACHINE … word selection of —> TSA Hernandez.
Finally ….. the EARTH iron core and the periodic atomic table …. Fe –> Ferrous oxide IRON atom attack against the Fe = Federal IRS offices in Austin Texas.
2010 Austin suicide attack – Wikipedia,
2010 Autism ……idea ack – acknowledgement failure
Jump to Joseph Stack – The plane was piloted by Andrew Joseph Stack III of the Scofield Farms neighborhood in North Austin, who worked as an … later his wife filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, citing IRSliabilities totaling nearly $126,000.
Remember When Andrew Joseph Stack Flew a Plane Into a …
May 15, 2013 – His column on the Andrew Joseph Stack incident is chilling in … 18th, Stack had flown a small airplane into an IRS office in Austin, Texas, killing …
Man Crashes Plane Into Texas Federal I.R.S. Office – The New York …
Feb 18, 2010 – The pilot, identified as Andrew Joseph Stack III, 53, of north Austin, apparently died in the crash, and one other person was unaccounted for.
he 2010 Austin suicide attack occurred on February 18, 2010, when Andrew Joseph Stack III deliberately crashed his single-engine Piper Dakotalight aircraft into Building I of the Echelon office complex in Austin, Texas, United States
Nietzsche’s Epic of the Soul: Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Zarathustra has repeatedly stressed the abyss, the center of the earth, as the ground of all existence. Only the … The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases –> Two Towers message September 11, 2001
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases –> the 2 question marks ….. the upside down mark.
The Boston region problems in analysis and communications with Carmen Ortiz , MIT and Harvard.
The Pentagon and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (White House) had been told by Nature’s message systems …… about the need to think clearly .. and NOT upside down .. with BRAIN flipping tricks used by advertising /marketing ….. or the EARTH the magnetic field rotation of 180 degrees that may rotate brain HEME group Fe(2) ion thoughts.
Penn State student falls …… the inverted question mark
…….. message to the ink PEN state of MIND at the Pentagon and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Jan 21, 2014 – In October 2012, then-19-year-old and former cheerleader Paige Raque fell about 39 feet from a fifth-floor window in Calder Commons, 520 E.
Through the Looking Glass | Penguin Books New Zealand
Through the Looking Glass. Author: Lewis Carroll. Step into an upside–down world with Alice. One moment Alice is wondering what life is like on the other side of …
Alice is wondering what life is like on the other side of …
Alice is wondering what life is like on the other side of …
Alice is wondering what life is like on the other side of …
Down the Rabbit Hole | Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland …
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll: Down the Rabbit Hole. … Please, Ma’am, is this New Zealand? Or Australia?” (and she tried to curtsey as …
Presently she began again. “I wonder if I shall fall fight through the earth! How funny it’ll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downwards!
the people that walk with their heads downwards!
the people that walk with their heads downwards!
the people that walk with their heads downwards!
Boston Bombing Trial – Nitrogen Bio-Chemistry (NBC) News
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Sent to Colorado Prison On Way to Death Row. Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been sent to a federal prison in Colorado, ……….
Colorado Springs Shootout at Planned Parenthood Center …
11 mins ago – COLORADO SPRINGS — A gun battle erupted inside a Planned Parenthood center here on Friday when Nature’s molecular military agent …… a man armed with an assault-style …
Three dead following shootout at Planned Parenthood ……
a signaling event created by Nature’s LANGUAGE systems
…… in response to the Boston rigged TRIAL of TsaRNAev
…… now in in Colorado prison
11 mins ago – A suspect is in police custody following a deadly, hours-long ordeal at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colo., where three …
The antipathies, I think-” (she was rather glad there was no one listening, this time, as it didn’t sound at all the right word) “-but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know.
Please, Ma’am, is this New Zealand?
Or BOSTON superior thinkers
OR the Cambridge university BS and bragging departments.
Or Australia?” (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke- fancy, curtseying as you’re falling through the air! Do you think you could manage it?)
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases –> U.S.S Cole bombing and Cole Hall shooting
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases.
The earth has a skin, which has two diseases –> two bombs in BOSTON language BS
Thus we …… Joe Stack ….. stack /levels / hierarchy messages / Echelon building..
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
by Herbert Spencer … in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more of that abridged and less specific formula, in which Life is said to be the continuous adjustment of internalrelations to external relations. (§7 ¶1).
adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
Approximately an hour before the crash, Stack allegedly set fire to his $230,000[18] house located on Dapplegrey Lane in North Austin.[9][20] He then drove to a hangar he rented at Georgetown Municipal Airport, approximately 20 miles to the north.[21] He boarded his single-engine Piper Dakota airplane and took off around 9:45 a.m. Central Standard Time.[22][23][24][25] He indicated to the control tower his flight would be “going southbound, sir.”[12]
The Hidden Reality: Language and message systems ….
Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of Nature’s Communication systems for Bull-shitters from Austin, Boston, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, ……Waco
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. … The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the …
Zoey Brooks is 67th Alice in Dairyland – Farm Progress
May 21, 2014 – Zoey Brooks of Waupaca has been selected as Wisconsin’s 67th Alice in Dairyland. AsAlice, Brooks will work as a communications …….. Nature’s human communications extension for Lewis Carroll and the ALICE project that was started around year 1865.
Zoey(e) ……. agent code –> Z order entry eye
—> see gravity grammar language ….. code 67
of the Alice cryptology project
Jake Gerard (Milwaukee murder at EARTH site.. the Atlas building at S. 16th Street)
Base 16 hexadecimal…… Highway 16 and 67 Oconomowoc.
Approximately an hour before the crash, Stack allegedly set fire to his $230,000[18] house located on Dapplegrey Lane in North Austin.[9][20] He then drove to a hangar he rented at Georgetown Municipal Airport, approximately 20 miles to the north.[21] He boarded his single-engine Piper Dakota airplane and took off around 9:45 a.m. Central Standard Time.[22][23][24][25] He indicated to the control tower his flight would be “going southbound, sir.”[12]
…… in other words ….. Nature’s message to the Washington DC newspapers nd their friends in Boston and New York.
Georgetown Municipal Airport –> pointer to Washington DC area of Georgetown and the human talking mouth AIR output PORT ….. with bull-story explanations or incomplete explanations of many events
Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) – Wikipedia, the free …
Georgetown is a historic neighborhood, commercial, and entertainment district located in northwestWashington, D.C., situated along the Potomac River.
–> George –> EARTH LANGUAGE word George –> Geo + rg + e –> Geography region earth
–> approximately 20 miles to the north ……. 20/20 optical vision LINKED to the 20 Standard amino acids WAR at Fort Hood Texas with
Nature’s biochemistry military molecules using human agent NH = Nidal Hasan
He boarded his single-engine Piper Dakota airplane —> subset words —>
single-engine Pipe Da —>
SYMBOL ENGINE data pipeline with
DA = Differential amplifier thought circuits AND
DA = Direct Access to BS data sets
Newspaper The Washington Post (USA). Newspapers and their love for Hollywood style …. bull-story explanations …
Newspaper The Washington Post (USA). Newspapers in USA. Today’s edition. Internationalnewspapers, financial and sports newspapers, tabloids, regional …
The Boston Globe newspaper ….. lies and deceives Nature’s Hemoglobein thought molecules and the
EARTH geography globe LINK to the Universal Mind system
Includes news, special reports, headline news email service, and classifieds.
Approximately an hour before the crash, Stack allegedly set fire to his $230,000[18] house located on Dapplegrey Lane in North Austin.[9][20] He then drove to a hangar he rented at Georgetown Municipal Airport, approximately 20 miles to the north.[21] He boarded his single-engine Piper Dakota airplane and took off around 9:45 a.m. Central Standard Time.[22][23][24][25] He indicated to the control tower his flight would be “going southbound, sir.”[12]
Democratic doublespeak – The Boston Globe – Boston.com
www.boston.com › … › Women’s Health
Democratic doublespeak. By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist | December 8, 2005.
his single-engine Piper Dakota airplane and took off around 9:45 a.m. Central Standard Time
History symbol-engine (information) pipeline (project) plan . ….. took off around year 1945
Central Nervous System 370 processor with 20 Standard Amino acids …..
He indicated to the control tower his flight would be “going southbound, sir.
He indicated to the control tower his f (light)
He indicated to the control tower his function ( light) …….
the city within the velocity of light c = 186,000
Universal Mind (UM) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Universal Mind is the universal higher consciousness or source of being in some forms of esoteric or New Thought and spiritual philosophy. It may be …
Umpqua Community College shooting
Um ……………………………..
UNIVERSAL MIND battle site …
Wikipedia, the free …
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Christopher Harper-Mercer …
Contra-Intelligence on Oliver North-by Celerino Castillo 3rd …
May 12, 2004 – Powderburns- Cocaine, Contras & the Drug War … Felix Rodriguez was in charge of theContras‘ supply network in El Salvador for Oliver North.
Contradiction | Define Contradiction at Dictionary.com
the act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition. 2. assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial. 3. a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.
Contradiction – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In classical logic, a contradiction consists of a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions. It occurs when the propositions, taken together, yield two conclusions which form the logical, usually opposite inversions of each other.
Stack allegedly set fire to
his $230,000[18] house ….. 18 house
Periodic table (large cells) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The periodic table of the chemical elements is a tabular method of displaying the chemical elements. The two … Periodic table (18–column layout). Group →, 1 · 2
his $230,000[18] house
his $230 to 238 ……. house
Thus we see several puzzles about the Theory of Everything.
A Theory of Everything – PBS
A Theory of Everything … this theory would unify the two great bastions of twentieth century physics … This theory is often referred to as a “theory of everything“.