Information string flowcharts by Herb Zinser reviews LANGUAGE word clues about subset math and science word clues in books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
List of some nouns and concepts covered …. page numbers of hand-written notes will come later.
page 1 – John Dos Passos .. .. the 42nd Parallel
page 2 – base 4 and base 16
page 3 – S.I. Hayakawa and Bessie the Cow
page 4 – Stephen Hawking cover-up ERRORS by Cambridge University and Oxford
page 5 – John DOS Passos VERSUS Microsoft DOS
page 6 – John DOS Passos K-channel book…… 19 19
page 7 – Galileo ..year 1616 and mirror code book 1919
page 8 – Hubbleton Wisconsin astronomy region
page 9 – David Hilbert’s 23 problems of 23 hostages at Marinette High school
page 10 – the Lake Michigan wave mechanics interface with Wisconsin land
page 11 – David Hilbert 23 problems and 23 chromosomes pairs
page 12 – year 1966 Richard Speck at 2319 E !00 Street in Chicago
page 13 – gravity Route 66
page 14 – the rigged trial of Badger Guns reveals the Milwaukee murder system scheme
page 15 – EKG code
page 16 – Lewis Carroll , Jules Verne
page 17 – the I/O errors of Porterfield, Wisconsin
page 18 – Sam Hengel and his computer code coffin
page 19 – the secret codes of Carmen Ortiz and Ford de Mexico double-cross
page 20 – Sigmund Freud ice-berg model VERSUS Justice Department
page 21 – David Hilbert’s Hotel
page 22 – the Boston Bombing rigged trail and omission of evidence
page 23 – President Jimmy Carter
page 24 – carbon atoms VERSUS Cambridge Mass university ERRORS
page 25 – VSAM control area (CA) …. CAmbridge
page 26 – Department of Energy supplies energy for the Boston bombs
page 27 – Science Wars
page 28 – Copenhagen, Denmark CODE violations
page 29 – sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty
page 30 – Avogadro’s number N and President N (Nixon)
page 31 – the 23 problems of David Hilbert ……. problems with FermiLAB brain thought cells
and 235 and 238 uranium social sciences
page 33 – Shakespeare and Sartre
page 34 – the carbon continuum
page 35 – base 16 address space errors of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
page 36 – Diet of Worms battle reports
page 37 – the murder of LU= Logical units –> Lutz and Lubitz and the attack on Bethesda Lutheran Home F = feeble minded agents protected by the Fe = Ferrous oxide iron atom system
page 38 – Highway 26 Watertown, Wisconsin atomic number ….
Symbol and Concept World ….. MILTARY region
page 39 – BAL (Basic Assembler Language) police in BALTIMORE
page 40 – Freddie Carlos Gray secrets
page 41 – COMPUTER EARTH city of Baltimore
page 42 – Carlos Castaneda and Freddie Carlos REALITY problems
page 43 – President Clinton
page 44 – President Bush computer systems
page 45 – Base 16 French Alps and the Germanwings crash
page 46 – Barcelona Spain airport errors
page 47 – carbon dioxide data carrier molecule
page 48 – Jerry March “Advanced Organic Chemistry” VERSUS Justice Department
page 49 – PSW = Program Status Word
The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE …… known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,
Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language,
Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines – Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including ‘read between the lines’.
Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford …
In this blog post …… we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ………… Charles Dickens ” TALE of 2 Cities” ….. about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
Now we have the 3rd word.
Third World – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc. The United States …
First, Second, and Third World – Nations –>
Na = sodium atom and the sodium chloride
SALT molecule
First, Second, and Third World Countries, the common explanation of the terms.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH …….
that is…… the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
for those in
GUT (Grand Unified Theory ….. that includes Grand Avenue from Navy Pier to Pier Oddone and Grand Unified theorists at FermiLAB that need to recognize the existence of Nature’s keyword message codes –> Grand, Pier, and symbols GUT of the GUTENBERG printing and optical nerve project from year 1435 to 1453)
Information string …….
The Hidden Reality –
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011.
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos is a book by Brian Greene published in 2011 which explores the concept of the multiverse and the possibility of parallel universes.
Exponents: Basic Rules – Purplemath
This process of using exponents is called “raising to a power”, where the exponent is the “power”. The expression “53” is pronounced as “five, raised to the third …
is called “raising to a power” using bio-math dairy cows
Introduction to exponents – Khan Academy…/…
Taking an exponent
Exponents – Math is Fun
Maths Is Fun
The exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in a
Lyapunov Exponent and Dimension of the Lorenz Attractor …..
of atomic bio-physics farm animals
Hawking was born on 8 January 1942] into
Ox = Oxygen atmosphere location of Ox = Oxford, England,
to oxygen base 16 Hex’F’ = 15 Frank (1905–1986)
and Is (Information systems ) –> Isobel Hawking 1915–2013).
John Dos Passos – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Roderigo Dos Passos (/dɒsˈpæsəs, -sɒs/; January 14, 1896 – September 28, 1970) was an American novelist and artist active in the first half of the …
John Dos Passos
John Dos ….. evolution of SYMBOL ENGINE external expressions
John Dos Passos
History of operating systems (OS) – Wikipedia, the free …
K Channels
K+ channels are highly selective for K+, e.g., relative to Na+. The selectivity filter that determines which cation (e.g., Na+ or K+) can pass through a channel is …
K(+) versus Na(+) ions in a K channel selectivity filter: a …
Molecular dynamics simulations of a bacterial potassium channel (KcsA) embedded in a phospholipid bilayer reveal significant differences in interactions of the …
Images for k-channelImages for k-channelImages for k-channel
Images for 1919
Images for potassium 19 and postassium 19
Images for potassium atomic symbol K Images for john K and robert K
Images for john and robert kennedy
Neurotransmitter – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neurotransmitters also known as chemical messengers, are endogenous chemicals that enable neurotransmission. They transmit signals across a chemical synapse, such as a neuromuscular junction, from one neuron (nerve cell) to another “target” neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.
What are Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Neurotransmitters with
RFK = Radio Frequency K-channel bandwidth LINK
to bio-radio wedding reception BRAIN programming ……
of NEW male members with identifier
Husband ….
– Neurogistics
Galileo Trial || 1616 Documents
Consultant’s Report on Copernicanism (24 February 1616); Inquisition Minutes … given the report that the mathematician Galileo Galilei had acquiesced when …
Hilberts 23 Problems
Chennai Mathematical Institute
With these words David Hilbert opened the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris in the year 1900. Hilbert outlined 23 major mathematical problems …
Mathematics motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige …
Nov 30, 2010 – Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital … The 15-
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held …
Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at … 15-year-oldSamuel Hengel died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound …
Hilbert’s problems – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’s_problems
Hilbert’s problems are a list of twenty-three problems in mathematics published by German mathematician David Hilbert in 1900. … The complete list of 23 problems was published later, most notably in English translation in 1902 by Mary …
Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch were… – Milwaukee …
Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch were trying to arrest Julius Burton in 2009 when he shot them with a gun that another man had purchased for Burton at…
Richard Speck bio-mathematics Murder Site |
Aug 12, 2009 – On July 14, 1966, in the plain townhouse on the left (2319 E. 100th St, Chicago), Richard Speck systematically murdered eight student nurses …
The Student Nurse Murders – Chicago History Today
Jul 14, 2014 – 2319 E. 100th St. The woman was Corazon Amurao, a 23-year-old Filipino nursing student. She shared the dorm apartment on 100th Street with other students. … Richard Speck died while serving a life sentence in 1991.
2 police officers shot on south side; math suspect in custody
and Badger Guns accused in the rigged math trial TRIAL
Two Milwaukee police officers were shot Tuesday afternoon on the near south … June 10, 2009 … Flynn identified the officers as Bryan Norberg, 21, on the force six months, who was in satisfactory condition, and Graham Kunisch, 26, with 15 …
2319 E. 100th St. Chicago … Corazon Amurao, a 23-year-old Filipino nursing
on the 2nd street DOUBLE-HELIX shooting
Man gets 80 years for the 2nd Street DOUBLE-HELIX shooting of 2 Milwaukee DNA police officers
Feb 25, 2010 – Julius Burton, who last summer shot two Milwaukee police officers … Burton shot Kunisch, 27, and Norberg, 22, in the 800 block of S. 2nd St., …
Wisconsin high school hostage-taker Samuel Hengel dies …
Nov 30, 2010 – The 15-year-old boy who shot himself after taking 23 students and a teacher hostageat his school in Wisconsin dies of his wounds.
on the 2nd street DOUBLE-HELIX shooting
Number 23 and 39 …from the above EARTH LANGUAGE address .. ….
message codes ……
information pointer to
Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extra
Dec 3, 2010 – Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in …
The Story of Adam and Eve – DLTK’s Bible Activities
DLTK’s Children’s Bible Stories – the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. … God took some clay from the ground and made the shape of a man.
The story of Adam and Eve is central to the belief that God created human ….. Adam was inferior to him as he was made of fire, whereas Adam was made of clay.
Life of Adam and Eve – Adam and Eve (LDS Church) – Category:Adam and Eve
The Story of Adam and Eve
–> Adam Landa, sand at Sandy Hook elementary geology school
and the Clayton Family living in the I/O PORT region of Porterfield, Wisconsin –
DLTK’s Children’s Bible Stories – the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. … God took someclay from the ground and made the shape of a young man ……
named Sam Hengel who was murdered in the string theory region of
Marinette puppet theater …. HIGH SCHOOL .
and walked a mile and a half west on E. 100th St. to the nurses’ townhouse at 2319 E. 100th St.[2]
The murders
At 11:00 p.m. on July 13, 1966, Speck broke into a townhouse located on 100th Street in Chicago’sJeffery Manor neighborhood, which was functioning as a dormitory for student nurses. Armed with only a knife – the Illinois Supreme Court opinion recounting the facts of the case reports that the defendant appeared at the door of the townhouse holding a gun[
Event Control Block
at 2319 E. 100th St in Chicago in year 1966
Event Control Block (ECB) – IBM
The event control block (ECB) provides you with a completion code that describes whether the channel program was completed with or without error. A WAIT or …
Event Control Block (ECB) Fields – IBM
Define an event control block (ECB) as a 4-byte area on a word boundary. When the channel program has been completed, the system places a completion …
Data Event Control Block – IBM
A data event control block is constructed as part of the expansion of READ and WRITE macro instructions and is used to pass parameters to the control program,
Pier Oddone – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru, Oddone earned his bachelor’s degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of
Piercing the corporate veil – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Piercing the corporate veil or lifting the corporate veil is a legal decision to treat the rights or duties of a corporation as the rights or liabilities of its shareholders.
Pier Oddone to Step Down as Fermilab Director
Pier Oddone to Step Down as Fermilab Director. Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:23 pm. The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and …
The Three Justifications for Pier and Piercing the
atomic Carbon orbital ……
,,,,,, C or
–> Corporate Veil and the rigged Boston carbon orbital BOMBING TRIAL with Carmen Orbital Ortiz
Mar 27, 2014 – The doctrine of piercing the corporate veil is shrouded in misperception and confusion. On the one hand, courts understand the fact that the ..
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll
Project Gutenberg
CHAPTER I. Down the Rabbit-Hole. Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had …
Muhammad Ali – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muhammad Ali (/ɑːˈliː/; born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.; January 17, 1942) is an American former professional boxer, generally considered among the …
Sonny Liston vs Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) Boxing Match
Cassius Clay defeats Sonny Liston – Feb 25, 1964 …
On February 25, 1964, underdog Cassius Clay, age 22, defeats champion Sonny Liston in a technical knockout to win the world heavyweight boxing crown.
Cassius Clay defeats Sonny Liston – Feb 25, 1964 …
Cassius Clay defeats Feb –> Febble minded at
Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown, Wisconsin
that are no longer ……
allowed to work on the REALITY farm / agriculture.
Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige ……/motive_of_samuel_hengel_15_i…
The Plain Dealer
Nov 30, 2010 – Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital … Outside Hengel’s home in Porterfield was a large sign that said
Container (abstract data type) and the
coffin (human data container)- Wikipedia, the free …
In computer science, a container is a class, a data structure, or an abstract data type (ADT) whose instances are collections of other objects. In other words, they
U.S. Attorney for Carbon atomic orbitals
–> Car –> Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with ……/20150515212407-b0ebl/
Thomson Reuters Foundation
May 15, 2015 – U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the DEATH sentencing of Boston …
Ford de México | Ford Autos, Ford Motor Company, Ford …
Translate this page
Ford Motor Company
Ford de México: sitio oficial donde encontrarás toda la información sobre precios, modelos, financiamiento y distribuidores de los autos, SUVs y camiones Ford.
Hilbert’s Grand Hotel – Wikipedia, the free ……/Hilbert’s_paradox_of_the_Grand_Hot…
The idea was introduced by David Hilbert in a lecture he gave in 1924 and was … Consider a hypothetical hotel with a countably infinite number of rooms, all of …
Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel – Simple English ……/Hilbert’s_paradox…
Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel is a mathematical paradox named after the German mathematician David Hilbert. Hilbert used it as an example to show how
Hilbert’s Grand Hotel – Wikipedia, the free ……/Hilbert’s_paradox_of_the_Grand_Hot…
The idea was introduced by David Hilbert in a lecture he gave in 1924 and was … Consider a hypothetical hotel with a countably infinite number of rooms, all of …
King David Hotel bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday July 22, 1946 by the militant Zionist underground organization Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.
Iron(II) oxide and
Fe = Ferrous oxide Fe= Females
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ferrous oxide(Fe) ,iron monoxide … Iron(II) oxide adopts the cubic, rock salt structure, where iron atoms are octahedrally coordinated by oxygen atoms and the …
Ferrous – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ferrous oxide is more correctly called iron(II) oxide. Ferrous … Manipulation of atom-to-atomrelationships between iron, carbon, and various alloying elements
Iron – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Above, Iron-54 with 28 neutrons –> February 28 days …..
with Fe = February 14 ……. a Fe = Ferrous oxide message day for Fe = Females
Plains, Georgia – Home of the 39th President of the United …
Home of the 39th President of the United States Jimmy Carter. Official homepage of Plains.
Plains, Georgia – Home of the 39th President of the United …
explains number 39 to Wisconsin citizen idiots
on the 2nd street DOUBLE-HELIX shooting
Number 39 …from the above EARTH LANGUAGE address .. ….
message codes ……
information pointer to Georgia geography codes
The Two Cultures – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that “the intellectual life of the whole of western society” was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world’s problems.
Snow’s position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying,Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modernphysics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western worldhave about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
In 2008, The Times Literary Supplement included The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution in its list of the 100 books that most influenced Western public discourse since the Second World War.[2]
in the Boston TRIAL.
Why is the Atlantic ocean salty by Boston? – USGS
United States Geological Survey
Jul 30, 2015 – Satellite view of La Plata River discharge to the Atlantic Ocean. … in a cubic mile of seawater the weight of the salt, as sodium chloride, would …
Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel – Simple English ……/Hilbert’s_paradox…
Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel is a mathematical paradox named after the German mathematician David Hilbert. Hilbert used it as an example to show how
The Infinite Hotel Paradox – Jeff Dekofsky | TED-Ed
Jan 16, 2014 – The Infinite Hotel, a thought experiment created by German mathematician David Hilbert, is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Easy to …
Pepper and Salt Shaker | The Container Store
Strategic Arms, Elbows, Mouth Limitation Talks (SALT) |…/Strategic-Arms-Limitati…
Encyclopaedia Britannica
The SALT II treaty was signed by President Jimmy Carter and Brezhnev in Vienna on June 18, 1979, and was submitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification shortly …
Salt I and II – sodium chloride molecule ….. Cold War Museum
SALT I and II. Amidst the Cold War, a series of treaties was issued under the Strategic Arms LimitationTreaty to curtail the build up of nuclear weapons. SALT I
The Mole and Avogadro’s Constant of President N – Chemwiki…/The_Mole_and_…
University of California, Davis
Oct 21, 2015 – One mole of oxygen atoms contains 6.02214179×1023 oxygen atoms. The number 6.02214179×1023 alone is called Avogadro’s number (N) …
per arrogance orders from myopic Washington DC
Son Of A Bitch – Merriam-Webster…/son%20of%20a%20bitc…
a person (especially a man) who you strongly dislike or hate. —used to express surprise, disappointment, anger, etc. : something that is very difficult or …
Son Of A Bitch – becomes a computer programar
The human bio-computer usage of children as data record storage device …. in Boston and Norway
… approved by the Justice Department
Diet of Worms – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Diet of Worms 1521 (German: Reichstag zu Worms, [ˈʁaɪçstaːk tsuː ˈvɔɐms]) was an imperial dietof the Holy Roman Empire held at the Heylshof Garden in Worms, then an Imperial Free City of the Empire. An imperial diet was a formal deliberative assembly of the whole Empire.
Martin Luther’s Life: The Imperial Diet of Worms –
Luther at the Imperial Diet of Worms (1521). Background. Luther, who through the church’s excommunication was practically declared a heretic, was invited to …
Trolli Gummy Worms Candy: 5LB Bag – Candy Warehouse
Trolli Gummy Worms Candy: 5LB Bag from, America’s favorite online Bulk Candy Super Store! If you’re going to partake in a snack of …
Bajoran wormhole – Memory Alpha – Wikia
The Bajoran wormhole was the only stable wormhole known to exist in the Milky Way Galaxy. It was… … The Bajoran wormhole, as seen from Deep Space 9.
Trolli Gummy Worms Candy: 5 LB Bag
– Candy (Wormhole War supplies) Warehouse
Trolli Gummy Worms Candy: 5LB Bag from, America’s favorite online Bulk Candy Super Store! If you’re going to partake in a snack of …
What is logical unit (LU)? – Definition from
What is logical unit number (LUN)? – SearchStorage › … › Peripherals
A logical unit is an entity within the SCSI target that responds to the SCSI I/O command.
Martin Luther King, Jr. – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil …
Martin Lu = Logical unit …. King Jr = job region
– Civil Rights Activist, Minister …
Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Logical Unit (LU = Lungs of Martin Luther King) – MSDN – Microsoft
BAL: IBM 360 Assembly Language
BAL (always spelled out) stands for Basic Assembly Language. This is the assembly language for theIBM 360/370/390 series of computers.
Porter jury – Baltimore Sun
Porter retrial scheduled for June 13 – Baltimore Sun
Dec 21, 2015 – Officer William G. Porter will not be retried until June for his alleged role in the death of Freddie Gray, likely creating a problem for prosecutors …
Baltimore riots: A timeline –
Baltimore riots: City emails show chaos, confusion –
Jul 29, 2015 – Baltimore leaders knew that protests could erupt the day of Freddie Gray’s funeral but were ill-equipped to handle the riots that followed.
Baltimore riots:
Baltimore riots:
Bal ……… –> resume Input output
IBM System 370 Reference Summary for humans at 37.0 degrees Celsius data processing temperature
machine information summarized from the IBM System/370. Principles … extensions. Suspend andresume RIO … The operation of the following l/O instructions may differ …… 168-171 R A8 Channel lDiO-B type, 4-15 model, 16-
Watertown Fire Department, 1857-2007: Watertown, Wisconsin
Watertown, Wisconsin Ken Riedl. The original St. … Sarah Butts photo February 5
Results 126 – 150 of 1439 –… the cargo plane crash off of Clifford Lane outside of Watertown …
What is a Data Bus hexadecimal at
EARTH geography base 16 address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
Data Bus Definition – A data bus is a system within a computer or device, consisting of a connector or set of wires, that provides transportation for…
What is BAL (Basic Assembler Language or branch-and-link …
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? – Definition from …
BAL (Basic Assembler Language) is a version of IBM’s assembler language (
The History Guy:
The Third Balkan COMPUTER SCIENCE War (1991-2001)
CNN – The Balkan Crisis: A brief history –
The roots of the Balkan crisis of the 1990s, particularly those in the area … When piecing together post-World War II Yugoslavia, Tito deliberately … A NATO ultimatum brought about a cease-fire and the withdrawal of Serbian artillery in 1994.
The Computer BAL Wars played out in the BALKANS
by James Fallows | The New York …
Mar 24, 1994 – Computer Wars: How the West Can Win in a Post-IBM World … The “computer revolution” of the last twenty years or so is often discussed as if it ..
D-Day – Jun 06, 1944 –
Although the term D-Day is used routinely as military lingo for the day an operation or event will take place, for many it is also synonymous with June 6, 1944, the day the Allied powers crossed the English Channel and landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, beginning the liberation of Western Europe from
Data Definition (DD) statement – IBM
A data definition (DD) statement is a job control statement that defines a data set to the operating system, and is a request to the operating system for the …
JCL statements: What does the DD statement do? – IBM
Data definition (DD) statements
CSQJU003 requires DD statements with these DDnames: SYSUT1: This statement is required; it names the BSDS. SYSUT2: This statement is required if you …
Although the term D-Day is used routinely as military lingo for the day an operation or event will take place, for many it is also synonymous with June 6, 1944, the day the Allied powers crossed the English LANGUAGE Channel war and the math war
……. math symbol below …..
positive sign and addition sign
U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media about BOSTON supremacy over the periodic atomic table of elements of NATURE
May 15, 2015 – U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston atomic social science Police Commissioner .. bi-physics electron volts (ev) ….. William B. Evans (L) after the DEATH sentencing of Boston …
Program status word – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Program status word (PSW) is an IBM System/360 architecture and successors control register which performs the function of a Status register and Program …
Program Status Word (PSW)
The Program Status Word or PSW is a collection of data 8 bytes (or 64 bits) long, maintained … We can usually ignore the PSW unless an ABEND has occurred.
Sweet 16 Debutante Party Ideas on Pinterest | Sweet 16 …
Debutante Party Ideas on Pinterest | Quinceanera, Sweet 16 …
Sweet Sixteen Party Information |
Debutantes traditionally wear white ball gowns and are accompanied by their fathers. If you want to have a formal sweet 16 party, debutante traditions can easily …
Sweet 16 Debutante Party Ideas
Butane and the Boston bombing ….. molecule DEMO for carbon LAW agent –> carmen
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Butane (/ˈbjuːteɪn/) is an organic compound with the formula C4H10 that is an alkane with four carbon atoms. Butane is a gas at room temperature and …
Isomers – Reactions – Uses – Effects and health issues
The Two Cultures – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that “the intellectual life of the whole of western society” was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world’s problems. …
Snow’s position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying,Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modernphysics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western worldhave about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
Thus … in this blog post you have some information strings ….. the language fabric and its LINKS to physical reality and events.
Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company
W. W. Norton & CompanyBlack holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; … Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, … tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the …