RD-blog-number 6815  by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH applications history  of wormholes  ….

and then we look at more recent examples of   Nature’s usage of wormhole technology  in MILITARY actions against  human communities with serious  ERRORS.

The first example ……  .we shall  cover uses the wormhole / information  data pipeline to connect 2  events  …. one in  the North America continents (left side  of picture ..EARTH geography surface in Omaha, Nebraska)


the other event  in Africa ( right side of the diagram …. Nairobi, Kenya)

Wormhole – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



A wormhole or EinsteinRosen Bridge is a hypothetical topological feature that would fundamentally be a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime …

In practical ..  earthly terms  ….. we   use Darwin  evolution  and adaption …  for symbol life CONCEPTs  .. thus

The North America event

West..roads Mall shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, …

The Africa event ….

2013 Westgate shopping mall attack – Wikipedia



On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resulted in at least 67 deaths, and …

Thus we see the EARTH surface  ….. and the 2 shopping malls  …

that are multi-level floors     ……  with shops that are like information rooms.

Given that model  ….. of the existence on the EARTH surface   …..shopping center, office buildings, apartment buildings ….. one can use those examples ….. an build an abstract model of the EARTH surface  …… as a  surface  rooms   ….  a matrix  …..  that some use already for  their systems.

Thus the EARTH surface  ….. a fabric of rooms with contents ..physical contents or data contents.

Thus the fabric of the EARTH surface   and its contents   ……. with the wormhole ..representing a connection between 2 separate surface events

Thus the fabric of the EARTH surface   and its contents   ……. with the wormhole …….. representing a connection between 2 separate surface events  in two   groups of  ROOMS (in our case …..the   2 shopping center rooms   ..or 2 large ROOMS   …. being the shopping center buildings )

Thus we have the  common denominators of the 2 events …. West Road and West Gate.

Road  implies a path, a tunnel, a wormhole . Einstein-Rosen communications bridge.

Gate implies an entrance or exit  …. perhaps to one of the 11-dimensions of string theory  at the West Gate  mall in Nairobi, Kenya..

West Road  –> Road implies  pathway ……a tunnel ..a wormhole  — > to the other side.

Thus may be an EARTH LANGUAGE pathway in the soil that uses EARTH  daily rotation to slowly travel …..

it may be a magnetic field .. DATA FIELD ..that migrates to another location ……………

a gravity field LIFE  form  that slowly moves  …

etc ….

in any case  ..

the year  December 5, 2007  WEST ROADS  event in Omaha, Nebraska   …went thru the wormhole and emerged  at the West Gate Mall at Nairobi, Kenya in  September year 2013..

Cheap DATA FIELD existential physics …..

flights from Omaha, NE to Nairobi, Kenya …

www.tripadvisor.com › … › Kenya › Nairobi › Nairobi Flights


Cheap flights from Omaha to Nairobi: Enter your dates once and have   WORMHOLE  Trip Advisor search multiple sites to find the best prices on cheap flights from Omaha to …

The arch of ST. Louis,  Missouri …….  suggests this  concept ..

In addition, the SYMBOL MACHINE tells us the bio-physics Nature of Einstein  and his proteins.

Einstein was composed of atoms  …..  that built proteins ….. that built the humanoid  scientist with an EARTH   LAB  proteins identifier ….

proteins add next protein …… one at time

…….eins   +                    ein –> compress the name code –> einstein

Thus ….. in addition the  mathematical-physics bridge   ……  Nature has human society communication bridges …that come about by people traveling and interacting    ..the human handshake is an information exchange between  2  human bio-physics  bio-computers.

Wormhole – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



A wormhole or EinsteinRosen Bridge is a hypothetical topological feature that would fundamentally be a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime …

General Relativity and Wormholes: Doorways in Space and …


In a solution called an EinsteinRosen bridge (shown in the figure below and more commonly called a wormhole), two points in space-time could be connected …

Doorways in Space

Doorways in Space ….. the atmosphere space on EARTH with  oxygen molecule with neutrons, nitrogen molecules in  air,   and  Carbon dioxide (CO2)  …
giving us the atmosphere SPACE   ….. moleucle continuum …. 

with earth  geography surface reference points (cities)   that
are spokepersons / representatives for their human LUNG molecule 

 assignments  in self-awareness.

Thus Nature’s atmosphere  ..   Oxygen atom  and oxygen molecule

Thus language code OM  ne = Oxygen Molecule with 16 neutrons

assigned to  Earth surface  city  OM  ne = Omaha Nebraska  and their great BS  thinkers  …..

the bull-stories that created the signaling EVENT


The nitrogen atom in the EARTH atmosphere assigned to Nairobi, Kenya.

Code Nairobi ——-> N  air   –>  Nitrogen air representatives  in Africa ……  that deny existence.

Doorways in Space  …  EARTH atmosphere space/volume and molecule continuum ……

with an information LINK between  human molecule  representatives at   Omaha and Nairobi.

Doorways in atmosphere Space ….. for example  ….. from the atmosphere molecule POINT of VIEW   …  doorways exist below  …..
named  BIG open Mouth door.

Since the atmosphere BRIDGE  fits the contour of the EARTH solid geography surface ….. its 

be  useful   ……. as a communications arch.

Obama ( O  + ba + ma –>  Oxygen base 16 map agent   

 …… his  staff denies his  atomic bio-chemistry bio-physics existence)_

: ‘I’m the first Kenyan-American to be president …



Jul 26, 2015 – Obama delivers powerful speech to the people of Kenya. … Nairobi, Kenya (CNN)President Barack Obama capped an emotional return to his father’s home country of Kenya on Sunday with an impassioned speech that was steeped in pride in his own African heritage. … The president acknowledged …

Obama lectures Kenyan president on gay
(atomic mass existence and the gravity code –> gay)  rights … – CNN.com



Jul 25, 2015 – President Barack Obama on Saturday lectured Kenyan President Uhuru … Kenyatta, however, said that while the U.S. and Kenya share many ..

Next we look at NATURE’s  systems and the    Omaha, Nebraska  ……  IOWA  molecule  military region.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE   languages and concepts  …………  tells us we have  …..;

IOWA –> Input / Output   work area  for  Computer Earth   ..COBOL Language

Introduction to COBOL


This is the ENVIRONMENT DIVISION which contains an INPUTOUTPUT … data that is being read or written, and data that is being used in work areas.

Explanation of loops in COBOL


In the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION, I have defined a 01 WORKAREA that …. Note that when I open a file I need to specify whether it is INPUT or OUTPUT, …

Davenport –> da + ve + en + port –> data vector  energy/english    I/O Port

Grand Island –> Grand IS –> Grand unified theory  Information  Systems

Omaha ==> Om  + ma + ha  –> Oxygen molecule  map  habitat    ……… with

–> habitat –> Ha  + bit +  at  —->  stephen hawking bit maps  atlas earth AND atmosphere

Thus we have the  Nature’s system platform with   SECRET agent  CODE:  Warren Buffet  with Coke that contains Carbon dioxide  (CO2 molecules  in the beverage that link

to the CO2   output  data report molecules exhaled by the human LUNG)

Why did Warren Buffett invest heavily in Coke –>  Co + ke –> Code key
–>  human bio-computer  ……  Code level 2 level  key  …



Discover why Warren Buffett found Coca-Cola an attractive investment in 1987. One criteria of a Buffett stock pick is a moat that protects market share.

32 oz coke bottle   aligns  its database with oxygen molecule mass  32


Vintage Coca-Cola Coke Green Glass Bottle Cap 32 oz

Thus we  have  the SYMBOL MACHINE  agent identifier   …

Warren Buffet –>  War  + arr  + en   + Buff  + fet –>

War array  (military)   english  (data record) buffers    with  FET/Mos   circuits

Storage and its addressability – IBM.com



When you run COBOL programs, the programs and the data that they use reside … influences the location of storage for WORKING-STORAGE data, I-O buffers, …

I-O buffers,

I-O buffers,

I-O buffers –> I/O buffers   with Warren Buffers of Omaha  BIT MAP space 

Buff  + fet –> fet _->

What is field-effect transistor (FET)? – Whatis.com – TechTarget

whatis.techtarget.com › … › Consumer Technology › Wireless and mobile

A field-effect transistor (FET) is a type of transistor commonly used for weak-signal amplification (for example, for amplifying wireless signals).� The device can …

…. in other words …. 

What is WARRREN   BUF..FET …… field-effect transistor (FET)  with Nebraska and IOWA agricuture farm (data) fields ? – Whatis.com – TechTarget

whatis.techtarget.com › … › Consumer Technology › Wireless and mobile

A field-effect transistor (FET) is a type of transistor commonly used for weak-signal amplification (for example, for amplifying wireless signals).� The device can …

Above, a bio-physics electron INTERFACE  structure living in the oxygen molecule COMMUNICATIONS  region of Omaha

Below, INTERIOR   circuit maps of his brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR 

The Earth’s atmosphere is a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth. It composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, 0.03% carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases.

Atmosphere of Earth – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



It is primarily composed of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) with only small concentrations of other trace gases. Nearly all atmospheric water vapor or moisture is found in the troposphere, so it is the layer where most of Earth’s weather takes place.


Earth’s Atmosphere – Windows to the Universe


Windows to the Universe

Earth’s Atmosphere. The atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and other gases (1%) that surrounds Earth. High above the planet, the atmosphere becomes thinner until it gradually reaches space. It is divided into five layers. Most of the weather and clouds are found in the first layer.

Most of the weather and clouds are found in the first layer.

are found in the first layer.

are found in the first layer.

are found in the first layer.

are found in the first layer………………… of human reality experiences ….

6 layer prototype printed circuit boards

–> board of directors  …..   message


Prototype printed circuit board instant quote and order. Our prototype specials come with high-end standard specs, incredible value, affordable adders and the …

 Our prototype specials come with high-end standard specs,

 Our prototype specials come with high-end standard specs,

 Nature’s  prototype specials come with high-end standard specs,

How Warren Buffett stays young   ….. 6 layer prototype:

“I eat like a six-year-old ….. with atomic number 6 of carbon  …


Feb 25, 2015 – The world’s most successful investor stays youthful by drinking at least five Cokes a day. Turns out, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO’s bizarre diet …

Wormholes   and year 1935 – PBS



In 1935, Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen realized that general relativity allows the existence of “bridges,” originally called EinsteinRosen bridges but now …

Using year 1935  ….as a reference point   ..the introduction of the WORMHOLE concept   ……   we now look at  another idea   ..and its extension concept  ..  as used by Nature’s systems.

An Introduction _ to Probability Theory and Its Applications


WILLIAM FELLER (1906 – 1970). Eugene … by R” the generating function of its probability distribution. …. with moment generating functions (problem 24 of XI, 7).

Probability for Electrical and Computer Engineers


Charles Therrien, ‎Murali Tummala – 2004 – ‎Technology & Engineering

2.16 by its probability and adding. … The moment generating function is defined as E{esX} where s is a complex-valued … References [1] William Feller.

Download PDF (152KB) – Springer


Springer Science+Business Media

To the Memory of William Feller, whose … distributions, moment generating functions, fundamental probability …. I dedicate this book to William Feller and Dev.

Thus starting in year 1935  theory of the wormhole …………  a  (large)  moment of thought  by Einstein-Rosen …..

Moment generating functions  of thought and ideas

Moment generating functions  of  the possibilities of wormoles   .

Momentum  generating functions 

Momentum  generating functions  …. the next 

Moment generating functions …..  applications .

East Germans escape through tunnel    … i.e,   the wormhole
– NBC News



University students in West Germany dig a tunnel under the newly constructed Berlin Wall to help people escape from communist East Germany.

Escapee Recalls Sweet Revenge Against East German …

www.spiegel.de › English Site › Germany › Berlin Wall

Der Spiegel

Aug 9, 2011 – Ulrich Pfeifer, an engineer who worked on four escape tunnels … in the east of the city, enjoyed an evening out in West Berlin with his girlfriend.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE  language, keywords, and concepts ….. 

East  Germany –> East –> E   astronomy/astrophysics region

West Germany –>  W   est –> W  estimate  –> West  with the Z estimator …… and in year 2015 this is at  the West Road and Horseshoe Road in  Watertown,  Wisconsin …..  famous for the murder of Travis  Zoellick   …… agent code –> Zoe  ll   —>  Z order entry  parallel  ……. parallel  existential dimensions  WAR casualty

Z-estimators (generalized method of moments) Consider …


University of California, San Diego

expression for the corresponding Zestimator ¯θn; and similar h functions have played an important role in the modern theory of “robust statistics”. The.

[PDF]m-Estimators and z-Estimators


Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing

by G Lebanon – ‎Related articles

m-Estimators and zestimators (also called estimating equations) are natural extensions of the MLE. They enjoy … The zestimator associated with a given vector valued function ψθ = (ψθ,1,…,ψθ,l) : X → Rl is the value …. Asymptotic Statistics.

Thus the year 1935  theory and the 1948  …partition of Germany into 2   geography regions ….. universes  of thought and ideology
and existential expression DISPLAYS  of  Nature’s systems problems

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster



the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

East Germans escape through tunnel – NBC News



University students in West Germany dig a tunnel under the newly constructed Berlin Wall to help people escape from communist East Germany.

…. in other words …
Germans –> ge + rm + ans –> Geography room  answers

E  ast(ronomy)   Ge(ography)   ormans escape through tunnel – NBC News



University students in West Germany dig a tunnel under the newly constructed Berlin Wall to help people escape from communist East Germany.

The tunnel was then sealed off. The most successful tunnel was in a basement of a house at 60 Westerstrasse

There were 29 people freed from this location …

There were 29 people freed from this location …

There were 29 people freed from this location …    house at 60 Westerstrasse

There were 29 people freed from this location … Western Hemisphere

There were 29 people freed from this location … parallel to Route 29 Virginia

EARTH LANGUAGE  parallel to Route 29 Virginia

Other wormhole messages on the EARTH geography   ……. information display surface  .

The first example  is the North / South Korea  construction of wormholes in  the 1952  WAR.

The Korean War, 1950–1953 – Milestones …


Office of the Historian

The Korean War began as a civil war between North and South Korea, but the conflict soon became international when, under U.S. leadership, the United …

Battle of Triangle Hill – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



In September 1952, Van Fleet submitted tentative offensive plans for Operation … As a significant number of Chinese and North Korean POWs had expressed their … which were composed of 9,000 meters (9,800 yd) of tunnels, 50,000 meters …

DMZ –> Korea

www.lifeinkorea.com500 × 348Search by image

Twice as wide as the first tunnel, the second tunnel was discovered in March 1975 in the Central Sector of the DMZ, about 13 kilometers north of Cheorwon.

Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ; Hangul:) is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula; it was established at the end of the Korean War to serve as a buffer zone between North and South Korea.

In use‎: ‎July 27, 1953, onwards

Events‎: ‎Division of Korea

Korean War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



North Korean invasions of South Korea repelled; Subsequent United Nations …… KPA forces were forced to hide in tunnels by day and move only at night. ..

forced to hide in tunnels by day and move only at night. ..

forced to hide in tunnels by day and move only at night. ..

The North  / South configuration   suggests  …the EARTH systems  message from North/South Korea.. 

Battle of Inchon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Battle of Inchon (Korean: 인천 상륙 작전, Incheon Sangnyuk Jakjeon) was an amphibious invasion and battle of the Korean War that resulted in a decisive …

Background – ‎Prelude – ‎Battle – ‎Aftermath


On September 15, 1950, during the Korean War (1950-53), U.S. Marines force made a surprise amphibious landing at the strategic port of Inchon, on the west …

Inch’on landing | Korean War | Britannica.com


Encyclopaedia Britannica

(September 15–26, 1950) in the Korean War, an amphibious landing by U.S. and South Korean forces at the port of Inch’ŏn, near the South Korean capital, Seoul. A daring operation… … Alternative title: Incheon landing. Inch’ŏn landing …

Thus  ..  we have the EARTH  geography mathematical  surface     …..in Korea ..with 

N/S   Korea  —-> representing N-space  war zone  …

n-Space — from Wolfram MathWorld

mathworld.wolfram.com › Topology › Spaces


… Spacen-Vector. CITE THIS AS: Weisstein, Eric W. “nSpace.” From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/nSpace.html …

The N-space wars re-surfaced in the  North/SouthVietnam  war.

The History Place – Vietnam War 1969-1975


April 30, 1970 – President Nixon stuns Americans by announcing U.S. and South Vietnamese incursion into Cambodia “…not for the purpose of expanding the …

Vietnam War History – Vietnam War – HISTORY.com



More than 3 million people (including 58,000 Americans) were killed in the Vietnam War; more than half were Vietnamese civilians. By 1969, at the peak of U.S. …

Videos – ‎Pictures – ‎Dodging the Draft – ‎Vietnam War

President Nixon  –> NIXON  –> President represents  ….   N by N square matrix ….. fabric  of the wormhole space …… with code   VS –> Vietnam South –> Vs  = Vector Space battle zone


The   rice fields of Vietnam  …… rice is subset word of

…matrices  ……….  math battle fields in Vector space region of  Vietnam south.

The  matrices battle continued in Rice Lake, Wisconsin with  Vang –> V + ang –> vector angle agent.

MPR: Hunter kills six, wounds two after tree-stand dispute


Minnesota Public Radio

Nov 22, 2004 – Vang allegedly shot and killed five hunters and wounded three … Many of the victims were related – all from around Rice Lake   …matrices region of  Wisconsin.

The Tunnels of Cu Chi


2. Purpose.

The tunnels were excavated in laterite
clay, a ferric soil with clay and
iron oxide binder which allowed some air penetration.

The clay was not affected by seasonal changes in
water content because of the iron cementation. It
was further strengthened by tree roots.

The thickness of the useable clay layer varied between 10 to 20 meters,
depending on the depth of the water table

Australia and the Vietnam War | Combat | Viet Cong Tunnels

vietnam-war.commemoration.gov.au › Combat

Some 12,000 Viet Cong and civilians lost their lives in Cu Chi during the war. … Just 40 kilometres from Saigon, around an area known as the Iron Triangle in the Cu Chi district, lay the most complex Viet Cong tunnel system in South Vietnam. …

Next. we look at the Earth  battle of TONS/ weight   ……  mass in the EARTH gravity field gives weight –> tons, pounds, ounces, kilograms, etc.

Report on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident (August 4, 1964 …


Miller Center of Public Affairs

Lyndon B. Johnson … As President and Commander in Chief, it is my duty to the American people to report that … the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution or the Southeast Asia Resolution, Pub.L. 88–408, 78 … President Johnson as he signs the resolution on August 10, 1964. Tonkin …

SYMBOL MACHINE keywords and concepts  ..

Gulf of Tonkin –> subset word –> Ton ….

Ton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



2240 pounds

a unit of weight, equivalent to
2000 pounds (0.907 metric ton) avoirdupois (short ton) in the U.S.

2240 pounds (1.016 metric tons) avoirdupois (long ton) in Great Britain.

2. Also called freight ton .

Notice  ..we have  ..

Lyndon B. Johnson – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Lyndon Baines Johnson, often referred to as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United States, a position he assumed after his service as the 37th Vice President. Wikipedia

often referred to as LBJ

often referred to as LBJ

often referred to as LB  –> abbreviation for word –> Pound   –> implies ton   ..thus the correlation MESSAGE of   LBJ and the Gulf of Ton battle

Other EARTH weights and measures PRESIDENTs
–> Clinton  ..

Bill Clinton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton, born William Jefferson Blythe III, is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Wikipedia

The agencies below    …..  deny everything the existence of   Clinton and his heavy message.

Division of Bureau of Weights and Measures


New York

The mission of the Bureau of Weights and Measures is to promote equity in all commercial transactions based on weight or measure.


International Bureau of Weights and Measures. From Wikipedia, the free … Bureau of Weights and Measures French: Bureau international des poids et mesures …

Official language‎: ‎French (official), Engli…

Director‎: ‎M.J.T. Milton

Location‎: ‎Sèvres, France

Region served‎: ‎Worldwide

Weights and Measures


National Institute of Standards and Technology

Apr 22, 2009 – The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, … OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the SI; develops … 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2600

Thus we have  …..  president LBJ code –> LB   and the Gulf of TonKin ( tons /weight)   …..

President Clinton (ton code)   and the

Boston Marathon HUMAN RACE trial  (code ton of Boston and their ton –> tongue errors in understanding  complex situations)

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans after the sentencing of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev in  the

Boston, Mass   interaction region with the  gravity field  that results in perceptions   ERRORS about the SCIENCE WARS.

The Science Wars – Cardiff University


Cardiff University

This page by Harry Collins explains the ‘science wars‘, which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had …

You can’t follow the science wars without a battle map


The Economist

Dec 11, 1997 – As the name suggests, the “science wars” belong mostly to the second sort. …. Harry Collins of the University of Cardiff finds scientists often …

Second law of thermodynamics – Wikipedia, the free …



The second law of thermodynamics states that in every natural thermodynamic process the sum of the entropies of all participating bodies is increased. In the idealized limiting case, that of a reversible process, this sum remains unchanged.

The Two Cultures – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by C.P. Snow … how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Boyle’s law  DEMO on Boylston Street – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



For a fixed amount of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Or Boyle’s law is a gas law, stating that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant.

Explosions, deaths on Boylston Street ….    SCIENCE WAR ZONE
| Universal Hub

www.universalhub.com › Boston › Back Bay

Universal Hub

Apr 15, 2013 – Police immediately shut Copley Square and began investigating a series of additional suspicious packages along Boylston Street. Businesses ..

Let’s look at another post that covers more …

RD-blog-number 6763 by Herb Zinser reviews the newspaper reports about the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet EARTH) war zone.

Let’s look at the wormhole coded MESSAGES  in the news. 

Keep in mind ….. Nature’s  process ….

Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster



the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

The most pronounced message became visible from Norway   …….
SYMBOL MACHINE word code –> HOLE …
that is the  battle  of  worm  HOLES near  HOLE, Norway   .that being   the Utoya Island battle site.

Utøya – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Utøya (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈʉːtœʏɑ] ( listen)) is an island in the Tyrifjorden lake in Hole municipality, in the county of Buskerud, Norway. …
On 22 July 2011, a mass shooting took place at the AUF’s summer youth camp, where 650 …

Below,  astrophysics  code word –> Solar system sun

–> SUN –> Sundvollen   region of existential physics    WAR

Hole, Norway – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Hole is a municipality in Buskerud county, Norway. … summer camp, which took place on Utøya in Hole, was attacked as part of the 2011 Norway attacks.

Wormholes – The Physics of the Universe and

Nature’s  planet EARTH  battlefield 


Like black holes, wormholes arise as valid solutions to the equations of Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, and, like black holes, the phrase was …

Wormhole – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge is a hypothetical topological feature that would fundamentally be a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime that could connect extremely far distances such as a billion light years or more, short distances, such as a few feet, different universes, and in theory, …

a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime

a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime

a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime

a shortcut connecting two separate points in space -time on the EARTH geography surface   ……. thus the SYMBOL MACHINE  relationship of words and concepts between THEORY and  APPLICATIONs regions on EARTH.

The data generating application  EVENT is the HOLE Norway ..Utoya event  ..with key proper  nouns that are information feedback pointer to  THEORISTS and their associates.

Thus ..we see the following information fabric ..  .as mentioned …

Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy …

www.amazon.com › … › Basic Sciences › Microbiology

Amazon.com, Inc.

Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy (Commonwealth Fund Book Program) [Kip S. Thorne, Stephen Hawking] on Amazon.com. … leads his readers through an elegant, always human, tapestry of interlocking themes, …

Thus the event  ……

Hole municipality (in earth physical  geography) —> information pointer to the SYMBOL and CONCEPT world  with the  –> Black Hole theorist  and researchers

Utoya –> code UT –> information pointer to Logan Utah   ……. and the

EARTH mathematical-physics  logarithmic geography surface by LOGAN  that helped create the bio-math logarithmic life of Kip Thorne   ….. who proceeded to Caltech  to study math and feedback message systems.

Thus we see the  geo-mathematical-physics EVOLUTION in year 1940 in Logan, Utah as  MOTHER EARTH  and Darwin selection  used code location — >  Ut …… as  the Mother Earth uterus  for the  birth of SYMBOL LIFE   associated with human physical biology life.

Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man …


Salvador Dalí Museum

Date: 1943. Material Used: Oil on canvas. Size: 18 x 20 1/2 inches. Having broken with Surrealism, Dali reacted against the abstraction of modern art, turning to …

Thus we see the above SYMBOL WORLD  equations …..

and their LINK to Logan, Utah  life forms..

b exponent y = x

by –> implies  base   by –> ba + by –> baby X  was born

log –> pointer to Logan utah

2 exponent 4 –> Base 16 oxygen atomic bio-physics human processor

WHO was baby X?

Thus we see the alter ego  of the Caltech professor.

Wolverine (Logan) (Earth-31393) – Marvel Database – Wikia


Marvel Database Project

Logan in this timeline was the last surviving member of the X-Men and possible founder of the… … Occupation, Mutant Rebel (Possible Founder). Characteristics.

X-Men: The Animated Series Season 1 11 – Marvel Database


Marvel Database Project

In a dystopian future, a mutant Tracker named Bishop hunts other mutants for the ruling… … Wolverine (Logan) (Earth-31393) (Only Appearance); Forge (Only … With help from the mutant rebels, he travels through time back to the present in …

X-Men  –> who are the X-men ??? 


X-Men  are   the algebra men  that use math functions of X
….  physics , engineering, etc

Thus the concept below …..  of 2 separate EARTH flat geography surface …. math/geometry planes ……….

Europe, Norway, Utoya   AND the other EARTH math surface  being Logan and Caltech.

They are connected by a CONCEPT/proper noun…..  data pipeline  .

thus the common denominator codes  ut  ( =  Utoya and Utah)  …Hole (=Hole municipality, grave holes, message bullet holes from the  bulletin of Atomic scientists,  and black hole concepts)

Let’s look at another blog post that cover more about Nature’s systems and  Nature’s wormhole MILITARY  message events. At the end ..we will cover the World Trade Center    and  EARTH revolutions per (universal) mind  system   ..that goes back to the Solar System  electromagnetic  field of Sunlight ….    ….. earth agent over 100 years ago …named SUN …..   whose  optical nerve and subconscious  MIND  had some relationship to the Emily Post electromagnetic field (of thoughts used by em = embassy em = employees  ..that are bio-em life forms).

Sun Yat-sen – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Jump to revolution – 1911 revolution[edit]. Main articles: Wuchang Uprising and Xinhai Revolution. The Revolutionary Army of the Wuchang Uprising …

Vice President‎: ‎Li Yuanhong

Nationality‎: ‎Chinese; American (1904–1…

Political party‎: ‎Kuomintang

Other political affiliations‎: ‎Chinese Revo…

The Chinese Revolution of 1911 – Office of the Historian


Office of the Historian

Sun Yatsen led the amalgam of groups that together formed the … revolts against the Qing in the years leading up to the revolution, most of which originated in …

Thus the astronomy key word clues ….. SUN  …revolution – 1911 revolution  –> number 11   …some message about the  EARTH magnetic   field 11 degree

LINK to the human SKU +11 (skull)  …that was repeated …..
code  SKU11  –> S 11  —> September 11, 2001
  in Manhattan ..with the EARTH  magnetic field  11 degrees  WAR with the iron towers and its human INTELLECTUAL contents and ERRORS of thoughts.

The other blog …..  at the end we return to the

World Trade Center (Center of Mass of EARTH )

war with human family  ERRORS  and logic errors, language errors, etc.

RD-blog-number 6762 by Herb Zinser reviews the newspaper reports about the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet EARTH) war zone.

The battle for control   EARTH civilizations …. involves several existential physics battle fields.   At the end of this blog pots …….   we shall cover Route 29 in the state of Virginia …. with


We  are reminded  ……  of   …  

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE … that is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Let’s look at the background information database  .that sets the tone.

Above, proper noun SYMBOL MACHINE military code

–>  Sanduleak –> Sand   u Leak –>  algebra set theory symbol u = union  of concepts data sets –> therefore ..the  battle actualized in physical reality –>

Sandy Hook  shooting with Mary and L.S.B. Leakey

Louis and Mary Leakey – Biography – Macroevolution.net


A short biography of Louis and Mary Leakey, the paleoanthropologist team that convinced the world that humans first evolved in Africa.

Mau Mau Uprising – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The astrophysics / astronomy   MAU MAU  Sanduleak battle site …..

 Sanduleak battle site ….. –> sand  u   leak  –> Sandy Hook  ….  You Blood  …leak

Now, let’s look at the next battle FORMAT  ….. the   blackhole wars on EARTH.

Later will cover the wormhole  wars on EARTH.

Rotating the space dimensions above, we get   access to time dimension perceptions.

In EARTH terms ….. using sand and existential physics  …… Nature  can construct a SYMBOL LIFE form   …  a silicon dioxide (sand) mechanism with logic circuits …. a  TIME  mechanism that parallels  the above diagram  ….

and actualize that  ….. with

Hourglass Sand Timer – 90 Minute  …90 degrees geometry rotation ….

into  ………… the SYMBOL WORLD   ……..
the living language dimensions on earth 

Line 6 ……..     words massive black hole  ….. cannibal —>

the cannibal galaxy battle at Blacksburg, Virginia.

Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States…

Thus the creation of 32 dead human bodies  –> for burial in an  EARTH grave ….  would require  1 massive black hole fro 32 coffins    (or  32 holes with 1 coffin each ..the sum of holes = 1 massive black hole on EARTH soil.

Thus, the astrophysics war to recapture planet EARTH   for the EARTH/ optical  people with SYMBOL PROCESSOR brain circuits    …  from the human EAR people.

Notice word …  EAR is 3 of the 5 alphabet letters  …. thus EAR/ MOUTH / talking people are incomplete EARTH people.

Thus the  output HOLES above …..

talking harmonic waves    ….

…………harm …….waves component …

helps create black holes (grave holes).

The next astrophysics battle  ….. the  massive BLACK HOLE battle took place in Norway   ,,,,,,, near the Municipality of Holes.

Hole, Norway – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Hole is a municipality in Buskerud county, Norway. It is part of the traditional region of Ringerike. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Vik.

Black Holes | Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and …


Black Holes. One of the most important findings in astrophysics is that when stars die they can collapse to extremely small objects. When their internal fuel …

Hole Municipality Forum,
astrophysics BLACK HOLE Travel Discussion for EARTH …
Hole Municipality …

www.tripadvisor.co.za › … › Buskerud › Hole Municipality

Travel forums for Hole Municipality. Discuss Hole Municipality travel with TripAdvisor

Hole municipality

2011 Norway attacks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks by …. He also said that he honed his shooting skills using an in-game holographic sight …

Deaths‎: ‎Oslo: 8; Utøya: 69 (67 from gunf…

Date‎: ‎22 July 2011; Oslo: 15:25 CEST; …

Location‎: ‎Oslo and Utøya, Norway

Target‎: ‎Labour Party

Utøya – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Utøya – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

is an island in the Tyrifjorden lake in

Hole municipality

On 22 July 2011, a mass shooting took place at the AUF’s summer youth camp, where 650 young people were staying. Anders Behring Breivik arrived on Utøya …

The  attack occurred later at a summer camp on the island of Utøya in, . The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP). A gunman dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification[17][18] gained access to the island and subsequently opened fire at the participants, killing 69 of them,

killing 69 of them,

killing 69 of them,

killing 69 of them –> requiring  a massive BLACK HOLE grave  site    …because Norway and Europe refuse to  discuss serious issues  …

grave social philosophy  matters.

Utøya – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



… listen)) is an island in the Tyrifjorden lake in Hole municipality, in the county of Buskerud, Norway. … Main article: 2011 Norway attacks § Utøya massacre.

Hole municipality

Hole municipality

Hole municipality

Hole municipality

Black Hole Astrophysics – The Engine Paradigm | David L …


Springer Science+Business Media

As a result of significant research over the past 20 years, black holes are now linked to some of the most spectacular and exciting phenomena in the.

..in other words….

Black Hole Astrophysics  MILITARY applications on EARTH

– The SYMBOL Engine Paradigm | David L …


Springer Science+Business Media

As a result of significant research over the past 20 years, black holes are now linked to some of the most spectacular and exciting phenomena in the area of SYMBOL MACHINE  and living language ……  forensic science  …… with  the SYMBOL LIFE of words and concepts  that  MAY get actualized into a  physical REALITY signaling event   ….. the event … generating an information database that provides CLUES about the human community violations of Nature’s  social engineering LAWS and LIMITS.

Black Hole’s Behavior Defies the Rules of Astrophysics – D …



Nov 27, 2013 – Astronomers discover an unusually noisy and bright stellar mass black hole that makes them question what they thought they knew about black …

Thus we see Nature’s message system. how some messages are created  ….thus we need to understand Nature’s message for families  and communities.